the-concrete-runner-monthly-milesWell, it took almost 2 weeks but I am FINALLY feeling almost normal.  It was already a HUGE difference compared to last week, especially since I was able to get in ALL of my workouts.  You know it's a good week when you don't miss a single workout.  Of course, that doesn't mean that every workout was great - and I already went against my goal of limited treadmill miles - but I got them all in.I did have to back off quite a little bit.  It's amazing how much a little illness can set you back a few steps.  I was doing GREAT at the beginning of the month - I was totally feeling like I was back to where I was before I even got pregnant with MacKenna.  I ran a 20:06 at Silver Dollar City and I had every expectation to break 20 again at my Turkey Trot, but it just wasn't in the cards.  And when I look at my paces this week, they were all similar to my Turkey Trot times compared to my SDC times. Boo.  So, I'm dealing with a little bit of a set back, but I know that I'll come back stronger.  Thank goodness my body is fairly resilient and I will be able to get that speed back in a short period of time.  Or at least I hope.Monday:  Front Squats 4 x 821-15-9 reps:Front SquatsBurpee Box JumpsTuesday:  5 miles @ 85% 5K pace (5.01 miles @ 8:06/mile)Wednesday:  HIIT Run Bias WOD (1.26 miles @ 7:13/mile)Push-Ups 40xRun 400mSwings 21xRun 800mSwings 21xRun 400mPush-Ups 40xThursday:  5 x 1000 w/ 200m walking recovery on the treadmill (4.00 miles @ 7:32/mile)Friday:  5 rounds:Pull-Ups 5xPush-Press 10xSaturday:  5K @ 80% 5K pace (3.10 miles @ 7:47/mile)Sunday:  4 x 1 mile @ 5K pace w/ 3:00 rest (5.95 miles @ 7:16/mile)Weekly Total:  19.32 milesNovember Total:  70.84 miles (lowest mileage month all year)Year-to-Date:  1,110.52 miles