I cannot believe it's already December! Time is flying! As much as I am someone who is impatient, hates waiting for anything/one, and LOVE to plan for the future, sometimes I really just need to slow down and just live in the moment. It's definitely hard at times but I think it would make time go by a little slower. Can you believe that we will have a 2 year old in less than a month?1 Ugh.Anyway, because it's the first Friday of the month, it's time for me to feature another Mother Runner! Kristi is a very active member of our Badass Running Buddies community - she is always offering encouragement and support to other runners, as well as posting amazing motivational + inspirational content in our group. I have absolutely LOVED getting to know her over these past few months and think you will enjoy getting to know a little more about her as well!
Name: Kristi CoonAge: 46Hometown: Atlantic, IowaOccupation: Fitness coach & home childcare providerNumber of years running: Serious running for 1 year, but have attmepted to become a runner for many yearsI've run 11 5K's, 1 8K, 1 10K and a half marathon.Names + Ages of Kids: Tyler 23, Haylie 19, Maci 7Favorite Distance to Run: My most comfortable distance to run is 5-6 miles.Favorite or Most Memorable Race: Favorite and most memorable race was the DSM IMT half marathon I just completed this Fall.Best Running Accomplishment: The training for this half marathon would be my proudest accomplishment, even more than the race itself. I stuck to every training run, even when I had pneumonia and bronchitis the last week before the run.
Best Parenting Accomplishment: My best parenting accomplishment would be raising my 3 kids to be kind, strong, active, independent & accepting humans.Advice for how you fit running into your busy schedule: Best parenting advice you’ve gotten: I plan out my runs for the week and schedule them so I don't skip. I pre-arrange care for my 7 year old and plan everything else in my social schedule around them. Sometimes that means getting up to run at 5am, sometimes it means squeezing it in before bedtime or even in the middle of weekend afternoons. I also choose places I love to run so I look forward to it. I plan my music playlist to suit my run and get lost in my music and my mind so I actually look forward to the runs most of the time....it's my ME time and clears my mind. :)Best parenting advice you’ve gotten: Best parenting advice I've been given is to enjoy each stage and don't wish away the time. And that quality time is more important than quantity. And to encourage your child's passions and interests.**Thanks Kristi for sharing your journey as a Mother Runner on The Concrete Runner blog!**