my wish list

One month from today is my birthday.  Usually, I would be extremely excited for it, which I am, but I am a little bit more excited for another Birth Day coming up in a few weeks.  Plus, as I am getting closer + closer to 30, I’m not getting as excited for those birthdays to go by.

Even though I’m not as excited as I normally am for my birthday, I still have a wish list of things I would like from my family (I think when you get to a certain age you stop doing gifts with friends, which is fine by me). I’m feeling the lists this week.  So, here is my birthday wish list:

[Mom – I could really use a birthday wish list from you.  Otherwise, all you’ll be getting is a grandchild for your birthday.  And Sara, as much as I know you want a niece for yours next week, I would appreciate her staying in there a little longer!]

New Running Shoes


I usually buy running shoes every 4 months, but since I’m not putting nearly as many miles on them as I normally would, I haven’t bought myself new shoes since February.  And since I wasn’t sure if my feet were going to swell + grow (thank goodness they haven’t yet), I wanted to wait as long as possible before buying a new pair.  With my birthday just a few weeks away, I figured I’d just ask for them instead.

TOMS Shoes

I yell at my kids all the time that these are NOT tennis shoes.  I don’t understand how they can play soccer wearing these things.  But, they are super duper cute and would make a great addition to my comfy wardrobe this winter.

A New Watch

I hooked my watch onto my beach bag this summer and now it is filled with sand.  As a PE teacher, one of the things they drill in your head in school is to always have a watch.  I still have a functioning one, but I don’t particularly like it.  It doesn’t have to be incredibly nice, but something that at least lets me do lap splits if I wear it to run.  Oh, and in a dark color like purple or black since they tend to get dirty really easily.

New Rules of Lifting

I’ve been sorta, kinda following this program, but I would actually like to read the book to get a better understanding of why they structure their workouts + choose the exercises the way the do.  And I don’t want the one for women.  Just personal preference…

Peas + Thank You Cookbook

I’ve been reading Mama Pea’s blog awhile now and have made several of her recipes, all of which are vegan, and all of which Matt has absolutely loved.  Plus, her writing style on the blog is hilarious!  And since I will be the one cooking most of our meals after Baby arrives, this would be a great addition to my cookbook library.

Gift Cards for Athletic Clothing

Usually, I would be asking for clothes, but since I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to fit in anything but my maternity clothes for a little while after I have the baby, I am requesting gift cards instead.  I ALWAYS need athletic clothes for running + work and can really never have enough.  I would LOVE to get some stuff from Lululemon, but I also love all things Nike.

Digital SLR Camera

OK, I know it’s probably outrageous for me to expect anyone to actually buy me this since I know they are ridiculously expensive – hence the reason I don’t already have one.  I’ve talked to Matt about possibly not getting each other gifts for our birthdays or Christmas and just splurging on one of these.  He is an amazing photographer + I would like to have better pictures for the blog – and you know, amazing pictures of my Little Bug.  He still hasn’t decided on whether or not he wants to do this.

A Date Night with Matt + Baby

photo 4 (2)

October 20th is special for 2 reasons.  Not only is it my birthday, it is also Matt + my dating anniversary.  And this year is extra special because we will be celebrating 10 years of being a couple.  I love that our “gift” to each other this year is our little girl and what I want more than anything is for (1) her to show up before October 20 (11 days past her due date is too long for me to wait) and (2) go out, just the 3 of us, to celebrate.  Preferable to Dewey’s (per usual) for some goat cheese topped pizza + pumpkin beer!

I don’t ask for much and I don’t expect to get everything I ask for.  I am really just excited to celebrate my birthday with my little family, and the best gift I could ever get for my birthday is my little girl!
