love + custard

Every couple of weeks, I have a major pregnancy breakdown.  All of a sudden, I will feel completely overwhelmed and burst into tears for pretty much no reason whatsoever.  My brain gets the best of me sometimes.  I tend to over think everything, which usually just stresses me out, leading to complete and total meltdowns.  Pregnancy has only made this worse, thanks to my raging hormones.

Monday night, I had another one of these meltdowns.  I was trying to come up with something to write about while also getting some stuff done for my brother + write thank you notes at the same time.  Then, I looked at the laundry basket of baby clothes waiting to be folded and the fact that it was already 9 o’clock and that I was never going to get everything done before I really needed to go to bed, and BAM!  The tears were a flowin’.

Luckily, my amazing husband came and sat on the floor next to me while I separated Baby M’s clothes and put his arm around me and told me everything was going to be OK.  And then he helped me fold those little itty bitty baby socks that our little girl will be wearing in just a few short weeks, and all of a sudden, everything was right with the world.

But, you know, pumpkin custard makes everything better.


Delicious Fritz’s vanilla custard mixed with pumpkin + chocolate chunks.  I was in HEAVEN!  I was really needing pumpkin custard in my life and now my life feels a little less overwhelming.  It’s amazing what a little bit of love + custard will do to change your mood around.
