on thursdays…

Besides Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Thursdays are by far my favorite day of the week.  Not because Thursdays bring anything spectacular, but because they bring things I really love to do.

On Thursday mornings, you can find me in the weight room.  While running is my number one workout passion, I absolutely love to get my swell on.  I have really been loving the New Rules of Lifting workouts I have been doing.  I love that I am able to easily adapt them to my pregnant needs while still feeling like I am challenging my body a little bit.

On Thursday evenings, we OYO – aka On Your Own – for dinner.  Matt’s team gets together the Thursday before each meet (whether their meets are Friday afternoon or Saturday morning) for a large pasta dinner.  As much as I would LOVE to eat a big ol’ helping of pasta + hang out with 30+ high school kids, Thursdays are my chance to fix one of my favorite meals.


Brown rice with green peppers, onions, carrots, + tofu cooked in a little bit of teriyaki sauce and topped with a few splashes of soy sauce.  Love my veggie bowls and this one was especially delicious!


On Thursday nights, I am a member of the church choir.  After a long summer of free Thursday nights, during the school year Thursday nights are choir nights at church.  Little known fact about me, I was a HUGE choir nerd in high school.  I was in concert choir all 4 years and selected to be part of our Madrigal choir my Junior + Senior years.  I. Loved. It!  After not being a part of choir in college, I decided to join my church choir after I moved back home.  I look forward to rehearsal every Thursday night, being able to sing in church several Sundays each month, and participating in our annual Christmas program every December.  It is absolutely my favorite school night activity!

And yesterday, I deemed Thursday to be a “stop by Fritz’s on the way to choir” night.  Knowing that pumpkin is back on the menu has been killing me.  I really, really wanted needed some pumpkin custard in my life…


A small pumpkin shake made last night an even better Thursday night than usual.  Oh, pumpkin… how I’ve missed you!  This is The Best milkshake ever – so rich and creamy.  Thursdays might be deemed “Pumpkin Shake Night” from now on…

What was your Thursday like?  Anything special?