good news/bad news

Good news:  Volleyball started this week.  So far, things have been going pretty well.  We have had a great turnout so far and we should have some decent talent this year.  I'm definitely missing my seniors from last year (they were too good to be true), but my team this year has some good promise!Bad news:  Volleyball started this week.  I went from feeling so relaxed last week to feeling completely overwhelmed with everything I need to get done.  Not just volleyball stuff (although that is a lot of it) but school stuff too.  I've been spending my afternoons locked up in my office writing lesson plans so that I'm on top of everything to start the year off right.  Plus, I'll need good lessons for my sub in the spring while I'm on maternity leave.Volleyball Warmup

I'm the one walking on the right side - I had no idea my AD took this picture until I saw it posted on Facebook.

Good news:  I started a new endeavor this week.  I was talking to my friend Elena this past weekend about how much we miss the fitness world.  I really miss motivating people and helping them achieve their goals.  Because really, there's nothing better than seeing people make progress toward their goals.  Teaching is one thing, but the fitness world is totally different.  So, we both decided to jump in and become a Beachbody coach!  So far, I have absolutely LOVED my PiYo Challenge and can't wait to start a challenge of my own in the next month or so.  I would LOVE for you to join me, either as a coach or in one of my challenges!  Feel free to email me (klvanhorn [at] gmail [dot] com) if you have any questions or want to tag along with me!Bad news:  This is totally not a bad thing, but it's just another thing to add to my already busy schedule.  Between school starting up, coaching, being a mommy + wife, being pregnant, taking grad classes (only 1 this semester), and now Beachbody, I'm certainly going to have my hands full!Good news:  MacKenna is sleeping again!  Woohoo!  Not only is she not crying (maybe a few little whimpers when we leave her room), but she's also sleeping through the night!  It's amazing how much better my mood is when I'm actually getting some sleep!Bad news:  OK, so she's sleeping, but she's sleeping on the floor in her room.  We tell her goodnight in her bed, but as soon as we close the door, she moves her pillow, blanket, blankie, and "babies" to the floor in front of the door and sleeps there the rest of the night.  It's definitely not ideal, but for right now, we will take it.  I don't really know how to get her to sleep in her bed again, except if we leave her door open, but I'm afraid that with 4 of us walking past her door multiple times every night, she wouldn't stay asleep.  And, we're moving again soon so we know that'll be another transition for her to get use to.Video MonitorGood news:  Matt got to feel the baby kick a few days ago!  Seriously, it is absolutely my favorite part of being pregnant.  I love the reassurance, but I also feel like I'm connecting to the baby, like he/she can feel me and know that I'm patting my belly.  And I'm starting to feel the kicks up much higher now too!  LOVE IT!Bad news:  I've been so busy this week that I don't feel the kicks throughout the day, unless I'm sitting.  My favorite part of the day (after spending time with MacKenna, of course) is laying in bed with my hand on my belly, feeling the baby kick.  Can't wait until he/she is kicking a little harder so I can feel it all the time!Good news:  And the best news of all... WE HAVE A CLOSING DATE FOR OUR NEW HOUSE!  Um, can you tell I'm excited!  As of Monday, they have most of our flooring in, the driveway + patio are poured, and the kitchen cabinets are sitting in the garage, waiting to be put in.  AHHHH!  I'm so freaking excited!Bad news:  We close at possible the worst time of my volleyball schedule.  Our closing day is a Monday, I have 2 games that week (which is actually better than my usual 3), and my first tournament the Saturday after we close.  Boo.  But, we figure since we're not paying rent and don't have an "eviction" date, we can take our time moving in.  The goal is to have MacKenna's birthday party there in October (and have her room completely setup before we move her in), so we have a few weeks to get everything into the house and then eventually unpacked.IMG_6840

Standing at the back of the house in the living room/cafe area, kitchen is on the left (the half wall is a breakfast bar), stairs to the basement on the right with the dining room/play room directly behind that.

I think I'm going to be busy for awhile... if you don't hear from me as often, you know what happened.  But, I'm planning on still at least doing my weekly pregnancy post and hopefully one more post each week, depending on how busy I am.  So stick with me, "like" my page on Facebook, and follow me on Instagram and Twitter so we can continue to stay connected and you can see pictures of MacKenna, the bump, and our new house!  (PS - You want to do those things because you'll find out if Baby #2 is a boy or girl there first!)
