baby bump #2: 20 weeks
20 WEEKS! We are officially halfway. Well, let's hope! Quite honestly, though, I don't really care if this one is late like MacKenna was (I was actually fairly comfortable at 41 weeks, just tired of waiting). What I really care about is that this baby is healthy.Bump
The shadow is pretty bad on that, but I am definitely bigger this time around.
Welp, I've definitely grown this week. On Monday, I felt that I still had a little bit of a bump, but could pass for "beer belly" and not pregnant. Tuesday, definitely pregnant. I had a co-worker tell me that I looked more pregnant on Tuesday than I did the day before. I haven't really been around people much this summer, so a lot of people are seeing me for the first time since announcing my pregnancy.We go back to the doctor today, so I will find out how much weight I've gained. I haven't weighed myself since the last appointment, so I really have no idea. Last month, I gained 6 pounds, putting me at ~10 over my pre-pregnancy weight. At this point with MacKenna, I had just gotten to 10 pounds gained, but I'm quite alright with gaining a little bit more with this one.
A better pic of the bump, although I am sticking it out a little bit. And yes, the lawn mower lines in the grass are actually there, I'm not literally glowing...
SymptomsI hurt. All over. By Friday, I absolutely had to go to the chiropractor to get adjusted because my back and legs were killing me. I think most of it is due to volleyball - a lot more activity than I'm used to. I also spent 4 to 5 hours each day sitting at my desk, working on curriculum for the school year. Fun times. Plus, my ankle has been really sore and stiff all week. It feels good running, but I can take one wrong step and I'll have shooting pains up my calf. Definitely have been feeling the past few days though, thank goodness.Cravings have been pretty bad this week. Salami sandwiches, Caesar salads, the veggie fajita bowl from Crazy Bowls and Wraps. I haven't had much of an appetite other than that though. Stress and being busy makes it hard for me to think about eating. I won't lie - there were also several days where I realized I hadn't gone to the bathroom since I woke up in the morning. Not good.WorkoutsAfter talking to the chiropractor on Friday, I made the decision that I need to cut back on running a little bit more. I need more rest than I'm giving myself, otherwise I'm going to continue feeling horrible. So, I'm backing down on my mileage and adding in another active rest day - no running that day, but still getting some sort of workout in. I'm hoping that will help at least a little bit.I'm 2 weeks in to doing PiYo and I LOVE it! I feel like it is really perfect for my pregnant body. I can modify it, which I usually do, when I need to, and it's pretty much entirely low impact. Plus, it's quick - most of the workouts only take 25 minutes, which is about all the time I have in the morning.Monday: 2.4 mile treadmill run + PiYoTuesday: 4.5 mile treadmill runWednesday: 2.4 mile treadmill run + PiYoThursday: 4 mile runFriday: 3 mile treadmill run + PiYoSaturday: 3 mile treadmill runTotal: 19.3 miles
Baby StuffToday is THE day! Yes, we've had the envelop in our possession since 12 weeks, but we wanted to wait until our 20 week anatomy scan to make it official. It's been fun guessing, although I'm happy Matt will be done teasing me that he's already looked. Punk. But, I just can't wait to put a he or she to this little baby!I'm still leaning more toward boy - that was my feeling in the beginning and has been more recently, but I would definitely be happy either way. I already have a girl, so I'm comfortable with raising another (strong-willed) one, but a boy will be a nice challenge. Matt keeps saying girl, but mostly because he doesn't want to get his hopes up that it's a boy. He really wants a boy, but I definitely can see him as a daddy to girls. He is GREAT with MacKenna! There's not too many guys out there who will sing Frozen, have tea parties, and play with baby dolls like my wonderful hubby does.So, what do you think? #pinkorblue? I won't be posting our gender reveal pictures (which is actually how we are finding out - no big party or anything) until next week, but I most likely will post them on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter, so make sure you follow me if you can't wait another week! And tell me, what do you think? #pinkorblue? #boyorgirl?
MacKenna said she has a baby in her belly. And that the baby is a girl and she wants a sister. Really, she still has NO idea how much her life is going to change...