baby bump #2: 19 weeks

Excuse me while I go cry for a little bit as today is my first day back to work after a glorious 2 months off (what happened to June, July, AND August off for teachers?!).  OK, so I'm not really back to work, but today is the first day of volleyball.  And I'm already stressed out about it.  Goodbye extra time for the next 10 weeks...Anyway, on to the good stuff - how's that baby doing?!19 weeks with MacKenna14 weeks15 weeks16 weeks17 weeks18 weeksBumpPregnancy - 19 weeksWhen we went to take that picture yesterday, my mom commented that I looked smaller this week than last week.  I'm telling you guys, maternity clothes emphasize the bump.  I feel HUGE (to me) in maternity clothes, but regular clothes, I totally forget I'm pregnant sometimes.  Until I try to squeeze between the grocery cart and checkout counter and remember that I have a little extra to work with.SymptomsHello exhaustion, again.  Most, in part, to that darling toddler of mine, who, by the way, is sleeping much better.  (Now, if anyone could help me figure out how to get her to sleep in her bed again instead of on the floor, I would totally appreciate it.)  Other than that, and crazy, hormonal mood swings, I've felt pretty good this week.The past few days, my appetite has been really off.  I think most of it is from my long run on Saturday.  And the fact that all I want are drippy, dippy eggs for breakfast.  So, I've had cottage cheese and tomato every day in the morning this week (along with a few smoothies).  But, I feel like my nutrition is pretty much on track, thanks to the accountability of my PiYo Challenge group.WorkoutsI didn't get in nearly as much PiYo as I was planning since Kenna was up extra early this week and barely napped and Matt was back at work.  But, my runs went well, even though half of them were pushing the jogging stroller.Monday:  3 mile stroller run + PiYoTuesday:  5 mile runWednesday:  3 mile stroller runThursday:  4 mile stroller runFriday:  3 mile run + PiYoSaturday:  6 mile runTotal:  24 milesIMG_6878Baby StuffWell, I made our first purchases for Baby #2 this past week!  There are only a few things that I really feel that we NEED for a second baby, and unfortunately, most of those things are expensive, but important for a mother of two.  Here's my short list:

Double jogging strollerAnother baby monitorBigger diaper bagNursery bedding + decorMore/new cloth diapers

Like I said, there's not much we necessarily need since we have kept everything from Kenna.  (Of course, if we have a boy - which I still think we're having - we will need clothes.)  But, these things will make our life much easier.

So, this week, I knocked 2 of those things off the list.  With MacKenna not sleeping well (better, but not ideal), we really feel like we need a video monitor to keep an eye on her.  We currently have an Angelcare monitor with a motion sensor that is completely pointless right now since she's not sleeping in her bed (an alarm goes off after there isn't movement for 30 seconds).  So, I "splurged" and bought a Foscam video monitor on Amazon.  It's not a baby monitor, but for $65 with Prime (woo!) that can zoom, tilt/pan, 2-way voice, and I use it through my iPhone, I couldn't pass it up.  (This is the article that sold me on it...)  Plus, we would rather use the motion sensor on the baby since we know the baby won't be getting out of bed for the first 2 or 3 years - and we are totally paranoid about SIDS and want something that will tell us if he/she stops breathing.

I also went out and bought a new diaper bag!  I absolutely LOVED Kenna's diaper bag - it was purple and sporty and fit her stuff pretty well.  But, with 2 kiddos (hopefully Kenna will be potty trained by that time, but I won't hold my breath), it just wasn't going to work for going to the babysitter.  My mom gave me her 20% off at Babies R Us for a monitor, but since I found one on Amazon, I bought this Fischer Price diaper bag (the same one my SIL has for my nephew) instead.

diaper bag

It's HUGE, has easy access to wipes, and the zipper part stays open.  It can not only hold our big, bulky cloth diapers, but snacks, toys, and even has a "cooler" for bottles.  Gosh, I love bags a little too much.  Almost as much as I love shoes...