five for friday
First of all, thank you all so much for your wonderful, supportive comments from my post on Wednesday. It's nice to know that I'm not completely crazy and that 2 is definitely harder than one. I feel like we all have our own ways of dealing with things, and writing + working out happen to be mine. I just have to remind myself that it will get easier with time...
OK, a little Five for Friday today, because I have stuff I want to write about, but none of them are enough to dedicate one whole post to...1. Giveaway winner! I swear I do this every single time - do the giveaway and then forget to pick a winner. Oops. Congrats to Sarah on winning the Baby Butz giveaway!2. I'll be 6 weeks postpartum next week... Which means that I will get to "really" run! To say I am excited and ready is completely an understatement. My body is itching to run and I am feeling ready more than ever. And I accidentally found my postpartum training plan from when I started running with MacKenna! I have been looking for it for MONTHS and am pumped that I finally found it! So, my training plan will be changing up a little bit, but I'll be sure to share it on here when I'm finished, of course.3. Speaking of running... As some of you might know (I don't know if I've mentioned it on here or not yet) I am part of the Rock 'n' Blog team for the Rock 'n' Roll Race Series this year! I am so excited to be part of the team and run my first (and second and third and possibly fourth) Rock 'n' Roll Races! I am already registered for the Chicago Remix Challenge, running the 5K on Saturday and the half marathon on Sunday! I will also of course be doing St. Louis in October. Want to come run with me?! Use the discount code CONCRETERUNNER at checkout for $15 off any Rock 'n' Roll marathon or half marathon in 2015! Even if you can't do Chicago or St. Louis, take advantage of my discount code for a race close to your home town!
4. I made it through pregnancy without stretch marks. I know, stop bragging, right? Well, I have a secret weapon that I can FINALLY talk about! Launching TODAY is Secret Saviours - a gel, cream, and belly band combination that helps support your belly and prevent stretch marks! I wore mine every day of the 3rd trimester and loved it. The band looks a little funny and takes some getting used to, but I really do feel like it helped in the long run! That and good genetics - thanks Mom + Dad! The product doesn't go live in the US until March, but here's the link to the product on Amazon - check it out!5. I'm looking for motivated, hard working people who have a passion for fitness and helping others to join my team. I have been a Beachbody coach for about 6 months now and have absolutely loved every second of being able to help people get healthier through fitness and good nutrition with the challenge groups that I have co-hosted. It has been an amazing experience so far and it doesn't hurt to make a little bit of extra money on the side. This year, I am working on building my business as a way to help support my family a little more. One of the ways I am doing that is by recruiting motivated individuals who want to help others live healthier lives as well. If you're interested in learning more about what I do, shoot me an email (klvanhorn @ gmail . com)!Have a great weekend guys!