Stop the comparison trap

I don’t know about you, but I tend to get caught up in the comparison trap more than I care to admit. As someone who has been in the online space for almost a decade, I’ve seen my fair share of people who have started after me and created a HUGE following or surpassed me in what they were doing. Shoot, I’ve even watched people do EXACTLY what I wanted to do before I had a chance to do it.And the first thought that goes through my mind?WHY NOT ME?!I start to beat myself up about it.What does she have that I don’t?Why am I not as good as she is?It’s just not FAIR!Ever feel that way?! No? Just me…Yeah, didn’t think so…It can be so frustrating to watch someone do AMAZING things on social media. Maybe she comes off as a better mom than you. Maybe she runs faster than you do, or is skinnier than you are. Maybe her business exploded faster than yours did. Maybe she is doing EXACTLY what you want to do and you feel like because she is, you can’t.I want to give you some encouragement + some advice…1. The world doesn’t need another one of her. They need one of YOU!God created you as your own unique individual and He has a plan for YOU. He doesn’t want you to be Rachel Hollis or Jillian Michaels or Jennifer Aniston. He created YOU for your own unique purpose. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here, friend.Just because you feel someone is better than you doesn’t mean that they actually ARE. Let that sink in for a minute.Be you. Be beautifully, imperfect YOU.2. STOP SCROLLING!Yes, in all-caps.You know why you’re too busy? You know why you feel defeated every single day?Because you are spending WAY too much time scrolling your feed to see how you compare to everyone else.Oh, but you just want to see what other people are up to?No, honey. You’re comparing - regardless of if you realize it or not.It’s OK to check in on your friends. It’s OK to follow those people who encourage, motivate, and empower you.But, the second you start to get caught scrolling mindlessly is when you spiral into that feeling of defeat + beating yourself up + caring more about the likes and comments, that quite honestly, DO NOT MATTER.So, STOP IT!3. Take time to LEARN from those people you wish you were.OK, I know I just told you to stop scrolling, but I also believe you can strategically use social media to aid in your own personal growth. That girl you love? What is she doing that you could LEARN from?I have an AMAZING mentor! I like to call myself the not-as-talented/smart version of her. I KNOW she is lightyears ahead of me in business, making 6-figures a year and has an incredible following. I have even told her how much I want to BE her.And you know what she said?You don’t want to be me. You want to be a BETTER version of me.Dang, is she good or what?!Now, she’s my mentor. I listen to her podcast to learn from her. I hired her as my business coach so I could get her guidance. I’m no longer comparing myself to her because I’m LEARNING from her. I can have the same talents + skills as she does, but when I implement them in my own unique way, I reach a completely different audience than she does.Look, I know in the age of social media just how hard it is NOT compare yourself to others. But, the one thing I always have to remind myself…Don’t compare your Chapter 1 to her Chapter 10.I had quick success in my network marketing business because I had been a business owner for almost a year and a half prior to that. I already had people who knew me, liked me, and trusted me. I’ve had a blog for 9 years now… I’ve been doing this for a LONG time. Yes, absolutely it’s frustrating to see people who just started crush it and build a huge following in no time - but, they have different skills than I do. And that’s OK.Because, remember…YOU AREN’T THEM + THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL.