baby girl: week 11

Today is the day I have been dreading for the last 11 weeks:  my official first day of work post-baby.  It’s a little bittersweet.  While I love my job and am ready to bring home a paycheck again, I am going to miss spending 24 hours a day with my sweet little girl.  :(  I am having irrational fears too.  What if she doesn’t remember who I am anymore?  What if she thinks Stacy is her mom and not me?  They’re really stupid things to think, but it’s just going to be so strange to return to work as a mom.

MacKenna Week 11

Accomplishments + Milestones

If you look in the picture above, you can see that MacKenna’s onesie isn’t quite as snug as it was last week.  That’s right, folks.  She’s finally starting to grow out of her newborn clothes. *tear*  She really is growing and she is just going to continue to get bigger until she is no longer my snuggle bunny.  Yes, she’s still a peanut but I just want her to stay tiny forever.

[Sidenote:  I forgot to mention last week but we had our 2 month checkup 2 weeks ago.  MacKenna weighs in at a “whopping” 9 pounds 6 ounces, a whole 4 pounds since birth!  She’s in the 21st percentile for weight and height, but the 42nd for head circumference.]


What We’re Working On

Pumping.  I stored 96 ounces of breastmilk in the weeks leading up to my return to work.  This should last her all of about 10 days, if that.  A lot of times I get distracted by everything else going on around the house that I just plain forget to pump during the day and don’t remember until I’m getting ready for bed.

With work, I will have some time set aside to go pump and luckily I should be able to pump twice at work and then again right before bed.  I still want to breastfeed her exclusively as long as I can, but I also realize that I might just not be able to keep up with my growing baby.  And I’m OK with that.  I’m going to do the best I can to continue breastfeeding her for as long as I can.  I will at least be able to feed her once in the morning and then twice after I come home from work (and maybe once in the middle of the night).  So, even if I have to supplement, she will still be getting some breastmilk.


Mama’s Miles

Running has been going OK.  I’ve been a wimp and have stuck with the treadmill if the temps are below 40 degrees.  I just can’t stand the thought of breaking out the spandex leggings.  I’ll be running in the afternoon after work most days, so hopefully warmer days can be spent running outside.

I ran my first 3-miler post pregnancy without stopping this week!  So very exciting! :)

Monday:  3 miles treadmill (8:31/mile) + NROLFW Stage 1A
Tuesday:  2.5 miles outside (8:27/mile)
Wednesday:  3 miles treadmill (8:28/mile) + 2 mile walk w/ MacKenna
Thursday:  10 min step mill + NROLFW Stage 1B + 1.6 mile walk
Friday:  2.75 miles treadmill (9:07/mile)
Saturday:  3 miles treadmill (8:35/mile)
Sunday:  off

Total Miles:  14.25 miles + 3.6 miles walking

Random Tidbits

MacKenna has a newfound interest in her hands.  So much so that she refuses to roll over during tummy time because she can suck on her fingers better when she’s on her belly.  I actually want her to suck her thumb (I was a thumb sucker) so that we don’t have to deal with a pacifier.  And yes, I know, a thumb is much harder to take away…

