bring it, 2012

Please help support the Girls on the Run Program by donating at my SoleMates page (there is a link on the left side of the page)!  Every little bit helps!  Thanks!


Happy New Year!  You would think that my lack of posting last week meant that I was really busy.  Nope, not so much.  Instead, I spent my last week of my maternity leave cuddling with my little peanut and hanging out with my hubby while he was off also.  Plus, I needed a little vacation from blogging, but am ready and rearing to go for 2012!


A baby changes your “normal” New Year’s Eve plans.  Instead of going to parties + drinking, Matt + I dropped MacKenna off at my parents and had our January date night.  We went and saw The Artist (I definitely recommend it – it was a fabulous movie), ate a very late dinner at Chevy’s, picked M up and headed home.  We were in bed by 11 o’clock and I was passed out by 11:30.  Matt was nice enough to wake me up at midnight for a New Year’s kiss.

2011 was an amazing year.  It’s difficult to top the birth of your first born child.  I set goals but pregnancy over rode some of those goals.  Instead, my goal was to have a healthy pregnancy, and I think I definitely achieved that.

Now, it’s a new year and I have set new goals for myself to keep me on track and accountable.  And nothing keeps you more accountable than announcing them to your “closest” blog friends (and in real life friends too).

Health/Fitness Goals

  • Get back to my pre-pregnancy size (I know it’s vague but the following will help)
  • Run 4-5 days per week with at least 1 day of speed work
  • Lift 2-3 days per week (more on this later this week)
  • Drink at least 4 green monster smoothies per week
  • Focus on eating REAL, wholesome food without counting calories (as long as I’m staying on track)


  • Keep the house cleaner with 20 minutes of cleaning each night after M goes to bed
  • Set a monthly budget and stick to it
  • Save money (goes along with the above goal)
  • Have 1 date night with Matt (without MacKenna) once a month


  • Continue to look for jobs (a) closer to home, if possible and (b) in a public school, if possible
  • Become more of a presence in the blogging/social media world (participate in chats, ask for guest posts, etc.)
  • Look into other potential ways to make money so I can either work part-time or from home (this is a long shot, but I want to spend more time with MacKenna if possible)

Bring it, 2012!  I’m ready for whatever you throw my way!

What are your goals/resolutions for 2012?