first day back

It was an interesting first day back, but I survived.  Had a kid puke on the gym floor before 10 AM, but that’s about it for the excitement factor.  It was great seeing my kiddos again (and my coworkers, of course) and know that I was missed, even if some of them forgot my name.  Luckily, all the kids remembered my name… JUST KIDDING!

Everything went pretty smoothly on my end in the morning, which is what I was worried about.  I fed her after I was done getting ready and gave her millions of kisses before I left the house in tears.  But, by the time I was out of the neighborhood, I was fine.  It helped that I was starving and had my breakfast to keep me occupied.


No more hot oatmeal for this girl.  As part of my goal to drink at least 4 green smoothies each week, I am going to start drinking a smoothie in my car on the way to work.  My in-laws gave me a Ninja food processor for Christmas that comes with travel cups + lids.  All I have to do is stick my ingredients in the cup the night before and quickly blend it in the morning.  Perfect!

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Bulked Up Green Monster (serves 1)

  • 1 banana (usually frozen, but I’m out)
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1/4 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons peanut flour (for protein – we’re getting protein powder soon)
  • 1 cup vanilla almond milk
  • 2 handfuls spinach


Forgot to take a picture of it, but it wasn’t all that exciting anyway.  I passed on the square pizza and had a salad instead with tomatoes, baby carrots, bell peppers, onions, and cheese.  Topped with Marzetti’s Simply Dressed Ranch dressing.  Plus, 4 orange slices and 2 string cheese.  I’ll be eating a lot more salads now that I’m back at school (lunch is free + that is my healthiest option) but I’ll probably be bringing some leftovers when I get sick of having the same thing over and over again.


I don’t know why I didn’t even think about bringing a snack with me to school.  So, I went to go have some granola with milk, but there was no milk in the fridge.  So, instead I just had plain ol’ dry granola.  I wish I knew what brand of granola this is because it is the absolute best granola!

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Hit up of the gym since the temperature was in the 30s and did a quick 3 miles on the treadmill (finished in 26:23) as I watched Glee on my iPhone.  Thank goodness for Netflix when there is nothing on the 5 channels on the treadmill TV. 

I also had two of these white chocolate covered honey wheat pretzels Matt brought home.  So good!  I’m addicted to chocolate covered pretzels lately, so I’m really sure this is something I need in my house (please sense the sarcasm as I am trying to lose the rest of my baby weight).

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OYO (on your own) dinner for me = leftover veggie burrito from Chevy’s.  I think it was actually better leftover than fresh!  I promise it tastes better than it looks.  (Please ignore the bag of dirty diapers in the background.  They were on their way down to the washer…)

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Looks like puppy chow, tastes sort of like puppy chow, but isn’t puppy chow.  It’s Natalie’s crunchy peanut butter mix that I’ve now attempted + failed twice at making.  First time, I didn’t have enough white chocolate and didn’t have time to run out and get more.  This time, the white chocolate seized up on me and I couldn’t for the life of me get it to melt.  Instead, I made it a puppy chow mix and It. Is. Crack.  This stuff needs to get out of my house!

With the holidays over, is there anything you’re absolutely addicted to that needs to get out of your house?    
