baby bump: week 40

Ah, the post that I was so hopeful I wouldn’t be writing, but alas, here I am, writing one more update about my never-going-to-have-this-baby bump.  For those of you who might not be on #babywatch, I am now officially 4 days past my due date.  I swore up and down last Friday that I would have the baby by Sunday night, my official due date.  And yet, here I sit, on my maternity leave, baby-less.

I am doing my best not to complain about being past my due date because:

(1) When we went to the doctor at 8 weeks and at 20 weeks, she was already measuring behind.  She was measuring for October 13th (that would be today) with both ultrasounds but since the 9th and 13th are so close together, they decided to keep my original due date.  So, technically, she might not be late… yet.

(2) I know several people who are having trouble getting pregnant, can’t get pregnant, or have trouble keeping a pregnancy.  What right do I have to complain about making it PAST my due date?  It’s all perspective.  I know my baby will be here within the next few days and I feel BLESSED that I have had the past 40 weeks to get to know my soon-to-be-born baby.  While, yes, I am insanely jealous of women who are having their babies before me, I know mine will be here soon enough.


So, I’m doing my best to keep things in perspective while I wait anxiously for contractions to really start.  I’ve had a few here and there, but they aren’t necessarily painful (some cramping + lower back pain) and disappear after lunch time.  I go to bed every night thinking, “Is tonight going to be the night I wake up with real, painful contractions?”  Sad, but true.

We go back to the doctor this morning to check on my progress and to schedule an induction.  My doctor gave me homework at Monday’s appointment:  to be 3 centimeters dilated by the time I go back to see her today.  I’m pretty sure I’m still not even close to that and will likely need to get the induction, which will probably be Sunday night (she won’t let me go more than a week past my due date).  I honestly never envisioned myself going into labor naturally, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the route we go.

But, I must say thank you to everyone for all the words of encouragement, advice, and prayers you have been sending our way this week!  It has made the waiting a little easier!  So, thank you so much – and in return, I hope to be showing you pictures of our beautiful baby girl soon!

PS – The polka dots are done! Nursery is officially ready for Baby M’s arrival!

