can’t get enough pumpkin custard

I’ve been bombarding you all with baby + pregnancy posts so much lately that I’ve completely neglected all the frozen custard I have been eating.  After my underweight baby scare a few weeks ago, I have been doing my best to guiltlessly eat as much frozen custard as possible.  Of course, my wallet isn’t too thrilled with that, so I have been going only a few times a week.

I have had a Thursday night ritual lately of driving thru Fritz’s on my way to choir rehearsal to get a small pumpkin shake.  I think these are easily my new obsession.  I crave one everyday and need to start making these at home so that I can indulge in them as much as I want.  So stinkin’ delicious!


This past weekend, I met up with some friends as a last hurrah before babies come into the picture.  I love going to Fritz’s with my girlfriends because they don’t make me feel guilty for getting the small instead of the mini size.  And hey, I am needing to plump this baby up a bit, so the bigger size was necessary.  I cannot get enough pumpkin in my life right now and amazingly, they had a pumpkin concrete I hadn’t tried yet.


The Punk’n Crunch concrete has vanilla custard mixed with pumpkin + granola.  I pretty much have that exact same combination in my oatmeal every morning, so you know it didn’t disappoint in the flavor department!  Love the crunch of granola!  One of the best toppings you can put in ice cream – and in oatmeal for that matter!

Last night, as much as I was tempted to get their new Rally Squirrel concrete (vanilla custard with peanut butter + chopped nuts), I knew I couldn’t pass up pumpkin while it’s available.


Vanilla custard mixed with pumpkin + Oreos – almost like a pumpkin pie with chocolate crust!  It still doesn’t quite beat my pumpkin shake or pumpkin with chocolate chips, but it was still pretty good.


Matt went for their flavor of the day – Dutch Apple – with caramel on top.  I really thought I broke him of his sundae habit, but apparently not quite yet.  He’ll learn…


What other toppings + combinations would you put with pumpkin?  I think next time I might try pumpkin with Reese’s cups, but I need other ideas because I tend to revert back to my favorites.
