what happens when you go past your due date
The pregnancy apps on your phone stop working. Well, not all of them stopped at 40 weeks, but they definitely assume that since you’ve reached your due date, you’ve had your baby. Hello, most people don’t deliver on their due date!You work on things you didn’t get around to before your due date. My mom gave me this adorable baby book a few weeks ago and I just never got around to start writing anything in it. I finally got around to buying some good pens and filling in stuff yesterday. I also made it to Hobby Lobby to get some cross stitch hoops to make 3D fabric polka dots on the wall above M’s crib. They’re not completely done yet, but will be soon!
You try to find ways to naturally induce labor. I’ve never been into all the old wives tale stuff about how to induce labor, but I am much more willing now that I am past my due date. Matt has researched acupressure points, while I am trying to walk the baby out. I’ve also been searching for Castor oil, raspberry leaf tea, and other things said to induce labor. (Pretty sure I’m fighting a losing battle with all this.)
You get really jealous of everyone who has babies before you. Including the women who ran the Chicago Marathon and then gave birth 7 hours later. Geez, overachiever. (Jen wrote a great post about her thoughts on the whole thing, which I definitely agree with.) She was due a week or so after me. And a friend of my sister-in-law gave birth this weekend, a week before her due date too. I’m just waiting for Emily to go into labor before I even have any signs that my baby might make an appearance remotely soon. Trying not to be bitter, but it’s hard.You spend as much time with your husband (and furbaby) as you can. Luckily, Matt is on his fall break this week, so both of us are off work and enjoying our last couple of days together. It would be perfect if M would come soon so that Daddy wouldn’t have to take off any days next week, but I think he’s willing to sacrifice I few days of work to help Mommy out. ;) We actually watched "Due Date" last night since Matt's trying to get me to relax. Of course, I cried when she was in labor.
And Lucy has been extra sweet lately, laying on my chest while I read my What to Expect the First Year book and playing in the laundry baskets.
Savor the last few days of your pregnancy. As much as I am anxious to get this show on the road, I am still trying to soak in as much of my baby bump as possible. Her kicks keep me smiling + entertained (she was kicking so hard during our non-stress test at the doctor on Monday that she kicked the monitor off a few times). I am rubbing my belly every second I get since I have no idea if or when I will get to experience this again.
Soon, Baby Girl, soon!