
We were finally able to come home on Friday afternoon and we were both beyond happy to be sleeping next to each other in our pillow-top queen sized bed instead of extremely uncomfortable hospital beds.  (OK, mine wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as Matt’s, but a 6-inch incision in your abdomen makes even the most comfortable bed uncomfortable.)  It was nice to be home, but coming home with a newborn + no instruction manual to go along with her has made the transition a little scary.  We are doing are best with adjusting to parenthood, but we are a little anxious and worry about every little thing.


Currently, I am very limited on what I am able to do.  Absolutely no strenuous activity (which includes vacuuming, going up + down stairs, and laundry), no driving for the next 2 weeks, and no lifting anything that weighs more than my baby, who only weighs 5 pounds.  As much as I want to really do things around the house, I am finding that I have to rely on Matt (and my mom on occasion) to help me do things – like go downstairs to do laundry or get another pack of diapers (her newborn cloth diapers are too big right now) or go to the grocery store for me.  I absolutely hate being limited on what I can and can’t do, but my body is letting me know just how much I need to rest right now.  I am doing my best to listen since I will probably otherwise pass out if I don’t.

photo 3 (2)

I am still trying to establish a routine for myself as I adjust to feeding, diapering, and caring for a newborn.  I hope you all understand if my posts for the next couple weeks are few + far between.  Not having the ability to stand for long periods of time to cook or bake, do any sort of physical activity, or drive to get some Fritz’s will make for some pretty boring posts.  I will do my best to keep you entertained (feel free to give me some ideas if you’d like), but my biggest priorities right now are caring for MacKenna and getting as much rest as possible.


If I haven’t said it before, THANK YOU all for your thoughts, prayers, and support over the past week!  I truly appreciate all the wonderful comments, tweets, and wall posts I have gotten the last few days!  I am so thankful for this wonderful blogging community, my amazing family + friends, and of course, my wonderful husband!

photo 1 (2) Can you tell that I am absolutely head over heels in love with this baby?
