my birth story: part 2

If you missed it yesterday, here is the first part of my birth story.  I know I left you all hanging, but it’s not quite as exciting + emergency invoking as I made it out to be! ;)

I was finally dilated to 3 cm, but when checking my cervix, they definitely weren’t feeling the top of my baby’s head.  So after being checked by 2 different nurses and trying to figure out what is was from an ultrasound, the OB on call came in and checked.

The reason I wasn’t going into labor over the past week:  Baby’s face was smooshed down on my cervix wanting to come out first.  They quickly made a phone call to my doctor to determine the plan of action.  I asked my nurse what would probably happen and she told me they would most likely do a C-section.  She apologized several times, but I honestly was not upset about the C-section.

(I’m still not sure if a C-section was really necessary, but at this point, I don’t really care.  I have heard of someone giving birth with baby’s face coming out first and it broke her pelvis – I would rather have the stitches than a broken pelvis!)

I’ve talked so much about having a natural childbirth and wanting to go into labor naturally, but there was something in the back of my mind telling me that I was going to end up with a C-section.  I just knew I was – and sure enough, my epidural was quickly increased, causing me to be completely numb from the chest down and we were whisked off to the OR around 6:15 AM.


I can’t even begin to explain how wonderful everyone was in the OR, especially the nurse anesthetist.  She explained everything that was going to happen and what was going on behind the curtain and what I would be feeling.  My doctor showed up around 6:30 and at 6:42, MacKenna Christy made her grand entrance!


The worst part about the C-section was not the procedure itself, it was the fact that I had absolutely no contact with my baby for at least an hour afterward.  They took all her vitals and did the standard newborn procedures that I was able to watch while they were stitching me up.  Matt was able to bring her over to me so I could see her, but I still couldn’t touch her or hold her.  It wasn’t until after I was out of the recovery room and into my hospital bed that I was able to finally hold my baby.  And you better believe that I was not going to be letting anyone come between me and my little girl!





She came out pretty bruised and with a unicorn forehead, but she was still absolutely perfect!  And on the small side – only 5 pounds 6 ounces and 19 inches long.  But again, I can’t imagine a more beautiful baby!  I am so in love with her and feel so blessed that she is a very happy + healthy baby!




As for me, the first 2 days after the C-section were the worst.  But, I am feeling much better now, although a little bit slower to get around.  My incision is healing well (or so they tell me – I still have yet to even look at it) and we are hoping to be able to come home from the hospital sometime today.

Recovery is going to be much more difficult than I expected, but I’m taking it one day at a time.  I am ready to sleep in my own bed (not that there will be much sleep happening with a newborn in the next room) and start caring for this baby on my own (although I have loved having the help of the nurses the past few days).

Thank you for all the well wishes and support!  We are so in love with our little MacKenna!

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