Three. More. Days.Three more days until a nice, long summer break.  However, this summer is going to be a little different than usual.  Matt will be teaching summer school in June, so we will not only be spending our days as just the 3 of us, we will also be heading to the beach without Daddy.  I hate that he won’t be going with us, but we know that this is the best thing for our family right now, and we still have a few more vacations planned for the summer.  I guess that’s the good thing about both of us being teachers and having summers off!Even though we will be spending our days in June without Matt, my goal is to make sure we are staying busy and achieving some FUN stuff on our summer bucket list.  We have been doing this for the past several years, and it’s something I look forward to every single year.  It helps stave away boredom, gets us out of the house, and makes us feel like we are wasting away our summer.  Plus, it allows us to make some memories with the kids as they grow up.  Even though we do a lot of the same things every summer, it is still a brand new experience as the kids get a little older and get to experience those same things in different ways.So, without further ado, here is our Summer Bucket List for 2017: