The most common comment I've gotten from my runners lately...

"I ran a marathon [or half marathon] in the fall, got burnt out, and I just haven't been motivated to run ever since."

Sound familiar?!There are 2 things you absolutely need in order to get motivated, achieve your goals, and fall BACK in love with running:


Do you have a plan?  Do you know exactly what you need to be running everyday?  Do you know what pace you need to run to achieve your goals?  Or are you just flying by the seat of your pants, hoping for a positive outcome?Without consistency in your training, without a plan to get you from point A to point Z, you are not going to make any progress.  You NEED to have a plan.  You NEED to make your run a non-negotiable part of your day in order to achieve your goals.  If you run one day and then take the next 6 days off, you will never be able to make ANY progress in your goals.You have to consistently training - even when you are NOT training for anything - in order to make progress in your running.  No question about it.  Without a goal, you'll struggle to be motivated to do anything, let alone stay consistent.  What are YOU going to do to make that change in your running?In addition, what is motivating you to get out the door?  Who or what is keeping you accountable?  Even as a running coach, I still struggle with motivation on a daily basis.  Who WANTS to wake up at zero-dark thirty to go run?  It's not fun, especially when my bed is soooooo nice and comfortable.  So, I hired a running coach to help keep me accountable.  Knowing that she is checking my workouts on a daily or weekly basis and looking forward to my updates helps keep me accountable for getting them done!  And guess what?  In just 3 weeks of her coaching, I've already smashed a PR and am seeing even more progress in my training.What's keeping you accountable in your training?  Without accountability, there is no way you will be able to be consistent.  And if you're not consistent, those goals are going to continue to slip between your fingers. Don't lose sight of your goals!  Get the structure and accountability you NEED to SMASH your running goals this year!  In the Elite Running Academy, you will get...

  • A 3-week running plan to help you kick off your training or help you bust through a plateau.
  • 4 to 5 days of strength training workouts with my personal guidance on how to fit them into your current training plan.  Exercises are appropriate for runners of all ages and sizes, and modifications will be included for those individuals who need lower impact workouts.
  • A simple nutrition program that will help you run harder for longer.
  • An extensive workbook to support you in your running and help you with my easy-to-follow nutrition program.
  • A supportive and motivational online community to help keep you accountable during the 3-weeks and beyond.
  • Daily motivation, tips, and personal support from a certified strength and conditioning specialist and running coach!

Just check out the results my runners are achieving in just 3-weeks!

Registration opens TODAY with prep-week beginning May 29th!  I can’t WAIT to help you kick off your summer training running FASTER than ever!