I know as a busy, working mom, one of my biggest struggles is finding the time to not only run, but to get in strength training that will help me become a stronger + FASTER runner!  I truly believe strength training plays a HUGE part in helping runners get FASTER, and - BONUS - it can completely transform your body, giving you the confidence you are looking for!That’s why I created my 3-week Elite Running Academy.  Most of the women I work with struggle with finding the time to get more than just their run in, while still being able to accomplish their running goals.  This 3-week program boasts short, intense strength training workouts you can do from home with minimal to no equipment in LESS than 20-minutes.  While I typically squeeze in my strength workout before heading home from work for the day, most of my runners fit their workout in during their kiddos’ naptimes!The great thing about these workouts - in addition to being short + intense - is that they are completely designed with a runner in mind.  These workouts will help you get faster by implementing power + strength movements runners NEED in order to improve their speed.Here’s a sneak peak at a workout like the ones included in the program.  Not only is it intense + will get your heart pumping, but you can get it done in less than 10 minutes!  I did this entire workout in about 5-minutes with little rest - and I was DEFINITELY feeling it afterward.  Plus, the only thing you need is a pull-up bar!  This is a GREAT workout to do at the park with your kids - if you can’t do an inverted row, feel free to substitute in pull-ups (a great modification for pull-ups are jumping pull-ups)!

20-15-10-5 reps:TucksInverted Row or Pull-UpsSquat JumpsBench Dips

Try it out and let me know how it goes!  And if you are looking to get your time back, feel confident, and SMASH your running goals this year, this is the program you need!  Register today before all the spots are taken!
