Grow a successful business without working more hours! Introducing the 4-Day Work Week Blueprint - get yours now and have time for family + achieve your goals!
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If you’ve ever found yourself saying, “I just don’t have enough time,” or wondering how some entrepreneurs seem to accomplish so much while you’re stuck spinning your wheels, you’re in the right place.
Because many times, without even realizing it, we are believing + thinking things — subconsciously — that just aren’t true. And these sneaky beliefs are holding you back, keeping you stuck in busy work, and most likely, the reason you’re feeling burnt out.
So, how to we fix that? Let’s not only debunk these common time management traps, but figure out how we can fix them so that you can reclaim your time + focus on what truly matters in your business + life!
Myth #1: You Have to Do It All
Let’s start with a big one: the myth that you have to do it all. Listen… this is one of the hardest things for me when it comes to my productivity. I have this subconscious thought that if I’m not the one doing it, then it’s either not going to be done right, or someone is going to feel like I’m not pulling my weight. So I tend to say yes to things or do things that shouldn’t be my job.
This “I have to do it all” myth convinces us that the only way to be successful is to check off every single item on our to-do list every day. And if we don’t? We feel like failures – or that someone is going to resent us because we dropped the ball somewhere.
Here’s the truth: Not only are not all tasks created equal (meaning, some tasks are just NOT the priority), but you also don’t have to be the one doing every single thing that’s on your to-do list. (And listen… this also doesn’t mean you have hire someone to help you either.)
Being busy doesn’t mean you’re being productive. In fact, trying to do everything often leads to doing nothing well because you’re stretching yourself thin.
Instead of trying to 'do it all,' focus on identifying your high-impact tasks – those things that actually move the needle in your business. In other words, your priorities.
What are the things that are the most important thing to get done in your life + business today? Do you really need to spend an hour creating that graphic, or should you be focusing on something that is actually going to bring in more clients? Do you need to be the one making dinner every single night, or is that something your husband can do because he’s actually better at it – and it allows you to spend some time with your kids?
Myth #2 You Just Need to Work Harder
Next up is a myth I know so many of us have fallen for: the idea that if you just work harder, you’ll finally get it all done. It’s the whole “hustle” mentality that has been driven into our brains. The more we work, the more we make – which in online business is just NOT the reality. We don’t get paid by the hour or paid for overtime. So working harder really is just leading you more into burnout.
Productivity isn’t about working harder – it’s about working smarter. Hustling 24/7 doesn’t leave room for creativity, balance, or even your own well-being. And let’s be honest… when you’re exhausted, the quality of your work suffers.
The key is to set boundaries around your time and energy. For example, I always recommend time blocking, where you dedicate specific blocks of time to specific types of tasks. This method not only boosts focus but also ensures you have time for rest and family.
It’s how I’m able to work just 4 hours a day, 4 days per week in my business every week. Are there weeks when I have to work a few more hours? Sure, but because I know my priorities – and my boundaries – those weeks are few and far between.
Myth #3: You Need to Be Perfectly Organized to Be Productive
Let’s talk about perfectionism because here’s another myth: you need to have a perfectly organized system to be productive. Or, everything needs to be perfect before it can be put out into the world.
Look, I’m a HUGE perfectionist. (It’s why I dealt with disordered eating and body image issues for most of my young adult life.) But, the reality is – perfection itself is a myth. No one, no thing, is perfect, so we have to lower the standard a little bit on what we deliver. And spending all your time chasing perfection is just another form of procrastination.
What you really need is a system that works for you. Something simple and flexible that helps you stay on track without feeling overwhelmed.
That’s exactly why I created the Slay Your Schedule Planner. It’s not about being perfect – it’s about making progress. This planner is designed to help you focus on your goals, break them down into manageable steps, and take consistent action – even if life feels messy.
So, how do we overcome these myths?
It starts with shifting your mindset.
First, give yourself permission to let go of what doesn’t matter. Ask yourself: 'Is this task really moving me closer to my goals?'
Second, set realistic expectations. Productivity isn’t about doing everything – it’s about doing the right things. That’s why we focus so much on priorities here and why it’s not only one of the first things I teach in my coaching programs, but it’s also how this planner was designed.
And third, make planning a non-negotiable habit. When you take the time to plan your day or week, you’re not just organizing your time – you’re reclaiming it. Remember, structure brings flexibility.
And the Slay Your Schedule Planner is here to help you do just that. With its simple structure and goal-setting system, it’s your tool for cutting through the noise and staying focused on what really matters.
If you’re ready to break free from the overwhelm and take control of your time, the Slay Your Schedule Planner is here to help you do just that! Make sure you grab your copy here and start simplifying your schedule and focusing on what truly matters!