Yoga Buzz + Weekly Workouts
Can you believe that I've never taken a live yoga class before? I've done yoga, but only in the form of Gaiam DVDs (Yoga for Athletes, which is awesome, but long) and free 20-minute yoga sessions from Yoga Download. I'll admit that I'm not a huge fan of yoga - it challenges me, but I prefer a good sweaty workout, like I get from running, CrossFit, or Insanity. Plus, I don't really like to do things by myself, so I was really waiting until something interested me or someone invited me along.Well, whattaya know, some of the girls from Matt's school had told them that I should do this Yoga Buzz class with them. (OK, so he suggested it and I sort of invited myself along, which is really unlike me, if you know me well.) It's a live yoga class that takes place at one of the many local breweries, followed by beer sampling. Um, YES PLEASE!At first I wasn't sure I was going to like it. I'm really particular about how my yoga sounds - I want good music and someone with a soothing voice who explains the poses well. (I feel like I pretty much taught myself the moves since Yoga Download is all audio and not visual.) The class started with no music and in a seated position, which I'm not used to. But, soon enough, the music started and the class started to pick up. My favorites were the Warrior poses and any balancing pose. I think if I taught yoga, my classes would be all Warrior poses, Chair pose, and Tree pose. Ha! The yoga was a much needed change to the workouts I've been doing (running, PiYo, and Insanity) and I felt so relaxed and flexible afterwards.The beer was pretty good as well! The class was held at Morgan Street Brewery, which is on Laclede's Landing in downtown St. Louis. I've been there a couple times, mostly for bachelorette parties (my own included), but I've also gone for dinner a couple of times. They started us upstairs and taught us how to taste a beer properly (which wasn't any different than I already do - I know I'm a beer snob), before sending us downstairs for the rest of the tasting. The samples were small - about a 2 or 3 ounce pour - so it was perfect for after yoga and a weeknight. We sampled their Honey Wheat, Black Bear, Virgin Territory IPA, Winter Lager, a black IPA, and - my favorite - their Pumpkin. I surprisingly liked everything, with the honey wheat being my least favorite and the pumpkin being my obvious favorite, with the Black Bear coming in a close second (notes of chocolate and coffee - yes please).It was such a fun night with new people (who gave me all the gossip on my hubby) and I can't wait to do it again sometime. They hold events pretty much every month and if I was actually certified to teach yoga, I could totally see myself doing something like this! Who wants to join me for another one?!And here are the rest of my workouts from last week:
Monday: Insanity Max:30 Tabata Power w/ MattTuesday: 800m run, 400m walk, 1200m run, 400m walk, 800m run on treadmill (2.25 miles @ 9:33/mile) + 12 minute HIIT (1 min sprint/1 min walk - 1.25 miles @ 8:51/mile) + PiYo Strength IntervalsWednesday: 2 x 1 mile w/ 400m recoveries on treadmill (2.5 miles @ 9:32/mile) + Insanity Max:30 Friday Fight Round 1Thursday: 2.25 mile run on treadmill (7:43/mile) + Yoga BuzzFriday: 2.25 mile run on treadmill (8:00/mile) + Insanity Max:30 Sweat (I literally almost puked during this workout and actually didn't finish it. I will NEVER run right before doing Insanity ever again...)Saturday: 2 x 1 mile w/ 400m recoveries on treadmill (2.5 miles @ 8:58/mile)Sunday: restTotal: 13 milesI will admit that this was the first week I've actually felt like a runner again. It's been a struggle getting back in to it and I haven't felt like much of a runner (having to do most of my runs on the treadmill hasn't helped). But, as I was doing my run on Saturday, I started thinking about all the goals I have for running this year and what I want to accomplish with the races I currently have planned. And just like that, I felt like a runner again. And it
felt feels AMAZING! I'm still working on my goals and training plans, but I can't wait to share my training cycles with you! I'm determined to make this year another successful racing year, even if I'm starting a few months late!This week not only marks non-stop running (no more walking breaks) and upping my mileage base, but it's also my last week of maternity leave. BOO. I've done my best at not thinking about going back to work, but man, 10 weeks have gone by quickly. In some ways I'm ready, in many other ways, I am not at all. But, instead of dwelling about it on here, I'm going to go enjoy my last week being home with my babies...Have a great start to your week!