wiaw: half marathon

I’ve talked about how awful I am about hydrating after a long run (or just in general), but have I told you I’m also horrible at fueling my body after a long run as well?  This is why I ALWAYS gain weight when training for longer distance races – I simply just can’t eat enough and my body likes to respond by holding on to weight.  Whether it’s water weight or fat, I’m not sure, but it drives me crazy!  It also doesn’t help that I typically eat junk after a long run too.  Ugh.

Sunday was no exception, and since it was a “special” day, I felt that I deserved to eat crap.  What a terrible mindset.  I’m working on being better about what I’m putting BACK in to my body after a long run, but it’s a work in progress.


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A smoothie with banana, pineapple, peaches, protein powder, chia seeds, milk, and spinach.  I also had a tub of Frosted Mini Wheats and some coffee.  I ate this about 2 hours prior to race time.  This is what I ate before EVERY long run so I knew it settled just fine in my stomach.  And I think it really helped me from dying out to early in my race and in my training runs also.


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Along with 2 cups of Gatorade (and beer) at the finish line, in true Concrete Runner fashion, I had an ice cream sandwich from Ted Drewes’ (I only ate half of it – dairy just tasted nasty after a run on a warm day).  I also had some pretzel bread from Companion which was delicious!


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An apple cinnamon bagel with cream cheese and some grapes.  CARBS!  And some samples at Costco.  That bagel really hit the spot though!


wiaw-tofu asparagus and potatoes

Matt was sweet enough to take over dinner on Sunday night.  He pressed and marinated some tofu and then baked it in the oven.  It was amazing!  We also had some roasted asparagus and mashed potatoes with butter on the side.  Such a great comforting and filling meal.  And of course, a little adult beverage for some carbonation and celebration!


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Like I said, dairy just did not sound good, so I stuck to my 2nd favorite dessert after ice cream – Peanut Butter M&M’s!  LOVE them!  Especially the Easter ones…

Not completely terrible, but I’m definitely lacking a TON of nutrients.  And I can just tell by looking, that I didn’t nearly come close to the almost 1,300 extra calories that I burned running.  Don’t worry… I made up for them on Monday. ;)

How do you fuel your body after a long run or a race?  Do you still stick to your everyday healthy foods or do you tend to eat more junk?