what’s next

I’m still coming down from Cloud 9.  Seriously, I am beyond excited about my new PR, especially since I really haven’t trained for a PR in almost 3 years now!  It’s not that I wasn’t training for a PR – I was training for a PR in the 5K, not in the half marathon.

So, now the question for me is, what’s next?  First and foremost, some much, much needed rest.  Brian and I got stretched out after the race (hip flexors, hamstrings, and SI joint), I had an AH-mazing massage yesterday afternoon, and got adjusted a stretched out by my chiropractor yesterday.  I’m actually feeling pretty gosh darn good today – much better than I did yesterday afternoon.  But, after running 13 miles, my body really needs some time to recover. 

The experts say that it takes about as many days to fully recover from a race as the number of miles you ran.  I ran 13 miles, so I need about 13 days to fully recover.  I’ll still be running a little bit, but I’m going to keep it to shorter, easier runs.  And I’m taking this week off from CrossFit as well, just because CrossFit is as hard on my body as running is.

For the next 2 weeks, while I’m “resting”, I’ll be looking into a few different things.  I’m not one to make up a race schedule for the entire year.  That’s way too much commitment for me and I honestly stink at making decisions.  So, races for me are usually last minute decisions a few days or weeks before the actual race.

But, there are a few things I really want to do in the next few months and in the fall.  As far as running goes, I think I’m ready to try to attempt that 5K PR. The last time I PRed in the 5K, I PRed in the half marathon a few months later.  I just broke that half marathon PR.  When I set those PRs, I was in the best running shape of my life.  I had been training with Matt’s XC team and really working hard at CrossFit.  While I just broke that half marathon PR, I don’t feel like I’m in that same condition I was then.  But, it doesn’t hurt to try, right?!

I also have my sights set on running a 10K in the near future.  I haven’t run a 10K in a looooooooooooong time.  I have the distance and speed in me right now from the half, so I would love to see what I can do at a new-ish distance!

And something that just randomly popped up last night…

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Our local running store posted on their Facebook page last night that there was a team who needed someone to run a leg of the River to River relay with them.  They didn’t care if you were male or female or how old you were, just as long as you were willing to have an awesome time! I’ve been wanting to do a relay race for awhile now, like Ragnar or Hood to Coast, so I jumped at the chance to possibly be on a team for River to River.  Only problem:  it’s NEXT weekend.  Not that it’s actually a problem, but it’s just so soon!  Even if they pass me up, I have it on my radar now and will hopefully find some people to do it with me in the next year or so.

But, something that has been stuck in the back of my mind for years now, the reason I switched gyms last year, and a new challenge for me to take on would be to complete a triathlon.

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I watch the Ironman Championships every year and get totally inspired to do something challenging (part of why I decided to run Chicago).  I really feel like this is the year for me to try to tri.  I absolutely LOVE to swim, and obviously have no issues with the running part.  It’s the bike that I worry about.  First of all, I don’t own one.  And I also am scared to death of riding one.  I’m too afraid to fall or get hit by a car (that doesn’t just apply to biking – those are general fears).  But, I’m ready to overcome those fears and challenge myself to do something new.

Matt actually wants to do it with me, so we have decided that this summer would be a great opportunity to train for a fall triathlon.  One of the more popular local ones is a 500 meter swim, a 25 mile bike, and 5 mile run – totally doable, especially since they close the roads and the swim is in a pool (I’m scared of open water as well).

I’m really excited for what’s ahead in the next few months.  Plus, it means planning a new training schedule, which is one of my favorite things to do!  Can’t wait until these 2 weeks are up to start training again!

Any triathlon advice for a newbie?  Have you ever done a relay run before?  And seriously, anyone interested in getting a team to run River to River next year?!