wiaw: creature of habit

Most "What I Ate Wednesdays", I try to switch up my meals, at least just a little bit.  Of course, I always start my morning with a smoothie.  (Unless it's the weekend, then it's usually yogurt with fruit and granola.)  But, usually, I try to make it more exciting since I'm displaying what I eat to the public.In all honesty, I eat the same thing pretty much every day.  These are my go-to meals, the things that I always make sure I'm stocked up with every single week so I know I at least have something to eat if we don't have leftovers.  To me, this is comfort food.  It's no "Mom's home cooked meals".  No, I live with my parents right now and I think they've cooked maybe 2 meals for me so far.  (Don't worry, Matt's made his famous homemade pizza for them and now my mom refuses to eat any other pizza).  I don't particularly like "heavy" food either that people typically think of as comfort food, like mashed potatoes, meatloaf, potpie, etc.This is comfort food to me...A mango banana strawberry smoothie with vanilla protein powder.IMG_0045A salad with tomatoes, broccoli, avocado, cheddar cheese, chickpeas, and hummus with some cheddar Popchips tortilla chips on the side.IMG_0046A chocolate truffle to "complete" my meal.IMG_0047A protein bar for an afternoon snack (these are a new favorite).IMG_0048A baked sweet potato with chickpeas, broccoli, cheese, and buffalo wing sauce.IMG_0050And of course, some M&Ms for dessert.IMG_0049Completely satisfying.  Completely delicious.  And a little bit of everything in moderation, my eating philosophy.  What are your comfort foods?
