scenes from the weekend
Sorry I missed you guys on Friday. I have a paper due today for one of my grad classes that I was busy working on last week, thus my absence from blogging on Friday. Thankfully, my classes are DONE for the next month! Woohoo! So, all I have to worry about is finishing up the next 18 school days. I am sooooooooooooo ready for summer... Anyway, we got an "early start" to summer this weekend. With temperatures in the mid-80s, I wanted to take advantage of the absolutely gorgeous weather and ended up spending the majority of the weekend outside, soaking up the sun. I have the Toms tan line on my feet to prove it. Friday night, we took MacKenna to the 8th grade dance at Matt's school. We were really worried that she was going to be a total and complete brat. We had been building it up so much all day that we figured it would just backfire on us. But, luckily, she was an angel! She absolutely LOVED the dance and was definitely the hit of the "ball". Saturday morning, I got a quick 6 miler in before heading out to our church parade that I totally forgot to take a picture of! We weren't there very long - long enough to see my sister-in-law Sara's class go by on their float and to bring home more candy than we know what to do with. We couldn't stay at the parade long because I had a lunch date with my besties! Two of my friends just had babies (a day apart), so I got to spend some time holding this little sweetie...
Baby Grace is such a chill baby - she slept and didn't make a peep the entire time! Siena Rose was also a perfect baby too, although she was awake and alert most of our lunch! We went to Magpies on Main Street St. Charles and sat on the patio. It is one of my absolute favorite places in town, especially because they have such a great outdoor space - and delicious food! I got an asparagus and brie quiche with their famous baked potato soup, and my favorite blackberry cobbler a la mode that went down so quickly that I forgot to photograph it.
Sunday was an even better day, although it certainly was hot. We skipped church (don't worry, we prayed) so we could head out to the Chesterfield Valley for the Spirit of St. Louis Airshow and STEM Expo. All I really cared about was the airshow because the Blue Angels were performing. We went to the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola, Florida and every since then, I have loved the Blue Angels. There is something about airplanes that I find so fascinating (probably thanks to my dad), even though I absolutely hate to fly. The news had been reporting all morning that there were long lines (like 2 hours to get in plus lines to get tickets) so we headed out there super early and it still took us almost 45 minutes just to get into a parking spot. The airshow was pretty good, but it was a bit too hot for MacKenna's liking. I was really hoping she would love watching the ariplanes (my parents have a flight path right over their house and she loves to watch the airplanes come in, so I was hopeful), but she really didn't have an interest. Matt took her walking for a little while to fix her boredom and ended up going in an airplane (display) without me. But, I'll take the pictures!
The Blue Angels were so cool, as always. We ended up only watching about half the show before we decided to start walking back to the car to beat the crowds, but we were still able to watch the rest of the show. Not sure it was worth $10 per ticket (or worth my new farmers tan), but it was nice to spend the day outside with my family, even if Kenna didn't do great. Maybe next time, right?