what to expect [giveaway]

Let's start the week after a holiday off on a good note!  How about a giveaway?!  And do I have a good one for all the new + expecting moms!  (And anyone else who might be expecting to expect or who loves a new or expecting mama...)

A few weeks ago, I received an email in my inbox from the amazing people at What To Expect.  My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw who it was from.  I started reading their books before Matt + I even started trying to get pregnant.  Way back then, I wanted to learn everything I could about what I should expect and what I should be doing in order to (1) get pregnant and (2) have a healthy pregnancy.  At that time, I wanted a baby more than anything else and I wanted to assure that I was doing everything in my power to make that happen.


Enter the What To Expect books.  The first book I picked up was What to Expect Before You're Expecting.  I secretly read that book cover to cover, trying to hide the fact that we were "trying" but as giddy as ever that we were "trying"!  That book helped me learn about ovulation, my cycle, the early changes I should expect to happen, etc.  I think What to Expect Before You're Expecting was part of the reason I knew I was pregnant before I even tested.  I knew what changes were supposed to happen and I could tell when they started happening to me.

During my pregnancy, I read a lot of books, but they mostly were about health + nutrition during pregnancy, as well as the Bradley Method books to help me become knowledgeable and prepared for my ideal childbirth.  I actually didn't read the classic What to Expect When You're Expecting.  I don't regret not reading it, but I think I will probably read it during my (hopefully) next pregnancy (a looooong way down the road).  I think maybe it would've eased my mind of some of the fears I had during my pregnancy, although my pregnancy was pretty easy.


Once MacKenna was born, What to Expect The First Year became my baby bible.  I never realized how little I knew about the first year of life!  Like, how to give a baby a bath (I missed learning when she was born due to my C-section - I was still recovering when they gave her a bath), the safety precautions you need to take, when babies reach each and every milestone, etc. etc. etc.  Every time I've had a little question about whether or not MacKenna was developing appropriately or if I should call the doctor, I've turned to What to Expect The First Year.  It's helped me keep my sanity - a little.  


You better believe I'll be reading What to Expect The Second Year after MacKenna turns 1 in October.  As little as I knew about the first year, I know even less about the toddler years. I'm scared.  Thank goodness for these books!


Not only did the people at What To Expect send me a copy of their books to read (lifesavers!), they wanted to giveaway their books to TWO (2) of my lucky readers!  If you are chosen as one of the winners, you will receive What to Expect When You're Expecting, What to Expect The First Year, AND What to Expect The Second Year!  Yes, all THREE books!  It's a pretty sweet deal if I do say so myself!

All you have to do to enter is comment on this post (please include your email address so I am able to contact you) - as simple as that!  But, if you would like an additional entry, you can tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me that you did.

"I want to win a set of @whattoexpect books from @concrete_runner! http://theconcreterunner.com/what-to-expect-giveaway #giveaway #newmoms"

This giveaway will be open until Thursday, July 12th at 7 PM CST.  I will announce the winners sometime on Friday!  Good luck!

WhattoExpect.com sent me copies of the books to giveaway and review.  All opinions are my own.