my fitness bucket list

A few years ago, Matt wrote out a Bucket List of all the things he wanted to do before he “kicks the bucket” – many, many years from now.  Writing it down motivated him to actually go and do those things.  Some of the things he’s crossed off his list so far:

  • Join the Polar Bear Club
  • Visit a spot on the underground railroad
  • Be on a restaurant wall
  • Become a father
  • Try turducken
  • Eat a scorpion
  • Set a Guinness World Record
  • Win a food competition
  • Crash a wedding

Matt’s determination to actually do  these things made me want to try to knock some things off my own bucket list.  Funny enough, most of the things on my bucket list just happen to be fitness related.  Thus, my FitFluential Fitness Bucket List was born!  Here are a few of the fitness things I want to accomplish in my lifetime:

Source: via Kristen on Pinterest


Qualify to run the Boston Marathon.  This would involve me actually having to train for and run a marathon again.  I’m not sure I’m quite at that point yet mentally or time-wise, but maybe someday.  Notice I didn’t say I actually wanted to run Boston, just qualify.

Source: via Kristen on Pinterest


Run the Nike Women’s Marathon.  Hmmm… maybe this would help me qualify for Boston?


Run the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in Disneyland.  Or really, any runDisney race,  but this would be my “dream” race.  Plus, I have family in LA, so free lodging!  (Please please please?!)


Do a triathlon.  I switched gyms back in January for this purpose (my old gym didn’t have a pool).  Have I biked or swam yet?  Nope.  But, I really do eventually want to do a tri because…


Source: via Kristen on Pinterest


Run the Branson Half Ironman.  They were advertising for the Branson 70.3 while we were in Branson a few weeks ago, and it made me want to do it even more.  Of course, there are a TON of hills and the run portion is several loops, which I hate, but it would be awesome to do such a big race in a place I love so much.  They do allow you to do it as a relay, so if anyone wants to swim or bike, I’ll do the running portion for you! ;)


Do a Ragnar Relay.  First, I’d have to find people to run it with me.  And it’d have to be in the summer since I’m a teacher.  But, I would LOVE to do one!  A bunch of sweaty people stuffed in a van for a day or two running from one place to the next.  Yup, awesome.

Make sure you follow My #FitFluenital #FitnessBucketList on Pinterest (and my other boards too!) so you can see the other things I want to do before I kick the bucket!

What is one thing on your Bucket List – fitness or not?