what i’ve been up to

Ugh, I’m alive.  Just busy.  Surprise, surprise.  However, just because I haven’t had time to blog, doesn’t mean life has stopped (although, sometimes I wish that was true).

I’ve run 2 races that I have yet to blog about.  One was way back at the beginning of October.  At the time, I was right smack dab in the middle of volleyball season, planning and teaching my first 3-week session of health (good lawd was it easier during student teaching when everything was pretty much planned for you), and planning MacKenna’s first birthday.  I took 2nd overall.  But, I’m bitter about the race, which is why I haven’t blogged about it.  My car battery died, it was cold, I ran the race alone, and they routed us (the first 5 or 6 finishers) wrong along the course.  So, even though I ran the race well, I was not happy about the race in general.

The other race I ran was great.  It supported the cross country and track programs in the district I work in and I was able to run it with my principal/friend.  We ran the course 3 or 4 times together before the race, so we knew it well.  I was there to support her so I ran with her the whole time.  It was the slowest race I’ve ever run, but I enjoyed every second.  Speed doesn’t always make a good race…

We tried a new frozen custard place that opened up a few months ago not far from our house.  I actually was contacted by the owner of Carnival Frozen Custard to come check it out.  Matt + I (and MacKenna) both really enjoyed it!  I got a concrete with Heath and caramel (the name escapes me) – it was HUGE!  And delicious!  I actually had to take some of it home to eat later because it was so big!  The vanilla was great – not particularly creamy, but had great flavor, and they had some really great options to choose from, as well as snow cones and funnel cakes!  We’ll be back!

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I FINALLY bought a camera!  Amazon had a great deal during Black Friday week – 50% off a Panasonic Lumix.  I’m still learning how to use it, but I love it so far!  My pictures still need A LOT of work, but I’m trying to learn as I go.

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MacKenna is now 13 months (and counting) and I still have yet to write my final body after bump post.  I promise I think about it every day, but just haven’t had time (and other reasons, but I’ll get to that in the post).  I will also update you on my current running program and possibly my race schedule  for next year.

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MacKenna is a little bundle of energy.  She’s not walking yet, but she is EVERYWHERE.  She wants to be down and moving all the time, which has made it increasingly difficult to take her to places where she can’t crawl.  I keep telling her if she’d just walk, she’d be able to get down, but no luck yet.  She’s also extremely vocal.  She babbles constantly and is learning new “words” and sounds every day.  Her new one is “Be!”, which we think means button, but she’ll point at other things and say it as well.  She loves touching our belly buttons and saying “Be!” and also our eyes and screams “EYE!”  Adorable.



And yes, her eye IS getting better!  Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers!  We are starting to see much more improvement but still have a long way to go… #proof
