body after bump: 1 year later

Well, 1 year and 6 weeks later, but who’s counting, right?!

These last few months have been a wild ride as far as losing and maintaining my weight.  The last time I wrote one of these updates, I had just returned from almost a month out of town and was able to lose weight in the process.  However, since then, I’ve (1) started a new job, (2) went through a season of coaching (as a 1st year teacher), and (3) stopped breastfeeding.  While the stress of the beginning of the school year and coaching caused me to lose weight (about a pound from my 9 month weigh in), ending my year long bout of breastfeeding right after my season was over caused some weight to creep back on.

I really thought breastfeeding had no impact on my weight.  I struggled with losing it around this time last year, but then was able to start losing fairly steadily, reaching my pre-preggo weight around 7 months.  However, as soon as I stopped breastfeeding, I found 4 pounds on the scale somehow.  Grrr.




Actually, I’m not that upset about.  I attribute most of it to my hormones figure out what the heck they’re supposed to do again.  Oh, and a dear old “aunt” coming back to visit a few weeks later.  Fun.

I feel like I’m having to relearn how to eat all over again.  Going from pregnancy, to breastfeeding, to neither I’ve really struggled to figure out just how much food works well for my body.  But, the good part about relearning this time around is that I’m not tracking my calories AT ALL.  This is a HUGE step for me, as I used to track calories religiously before (and a bit during) my pregnancy.  It’s just become way to time consuming, and quite honestly, I just don’t want to.  Sure, some days I’ll overeat, but generally, I eat fairly healthy, so I just don’t think it’s something to worry about anymore.  I’m listening more to my body now than I ever have before – what works well with my tummy, what gives me energy, and how much food feels “comfortable”.  It’s a work in progress, but if I keep a few pounds over my “goal weight”, so be it.  I’m working hard and eating healthy, and that’s all that matters.

As far as future goals go, they’re mainly not weight related.  I’ve actually cared less about my weight than I have in YEARS.  Which is great, since I have significantly less mood swings and freak outs about a stupid number on the scale.  I would love to maintain my weight, but my overall goals are again running and strength related.

I’m still trying to get faster.  Coaching took a toll on training, but I’m back into it again.  I’ve been doing a 4 week program to a “faster 5K” the past 4 weeks.  It’s been HARD.  I’ve run farther and faster than I have in months.  My goal race is this weekend.  I would love to run sub-20, but I’m thinking more like a sub-21.  Really, I just want to  beat my brother (sorry, Brian). ;)

I’ve started doing CrossFit again.  I just don’t want to spend time thinking about what I need to be lifting every day and don’t want to spend hours on end in the gym (not that I would).  Right now, I’m going CrossFit Mamas, since I can do the workouts at home if necessary.  I also feel like it’s getting me back into my CrossFit fighting shape.  I’m not ready to pull out an incredible WOD PR,  but I think this is getting me to that point to really start doing the full on workouts again.  Plus, they quick and tough, so I can do them after school in the gym and still feel like I got a good workout before I go for a run.

So, am I happy where I’m at a year later.  You betcha!  Back to the size I was pre-pregnancy and staying in shape!  And no.  No more babies – at least for awhile! ;)