The ONE question I am getting asked ALL THE TIME, and why I don’t have a good answer to it… [the REAL answer might surprise you]

So, I’ve been getting asked the same question over and over and over again…What are you training for right now?!I mean, this seems to be a pretty logical question to ask a runner, especially someone who is running 40+ miles per week and doing speed work.But, honestly, I don’t have an answer because right now, I’m not training for anything…In fact, I actually ended up QUITTING my winter race series, simply because I honestly could not commit to it anymore.  My word this year has been COMMITTED and I have been taking that to heart. I am trying to get rid of all the things that are not bringing me joy or forward progress in my life so that I CAN be fully committed to the things that do.And that means, having to cut back on some things, like racing.So, really, why am I running the way I am but not really training for anything?Well, I will admit, I DO have a goal this year.  I am still “training” for a 5K PR of a sub-19:30 (current PR is a 19:40 that I ran last July).  But, I don’t have any races on my schedule… literally ZERO in 2018.I used to pride myself on running at least one race per month the past several years.  I do enjoy racing because I LOVE being competitive. But, my heart just really hasn’t been in the racing aspect of it.  I haven’t really WANTED to run a race, even though I know I am in near-perfect racing shape right now.I have A LOT of BIG GOALS this year for my life and in order to hit them, I know I need to be COMMITTED to them.  Here are the BIG GOALS I am working toward this year...

  • Launching the new + improved (and CHEAPER!) Elite Running Academy for my followers (click here to learn more)
  • Launching The Biz Runners Academy in April with Kelli to help online business owners + virtual assistants with everything they need to run their business successfully
  • Building up my shampoo empire in order to have a bit more financial freedom in our family
  • Taking several vacations this year - Gulf Shores in June, Branson and California in July, Washington D.C. in September, and hopefully a FREE trip to the Bahamas in November (ask me how you can earn that free trip too!) - because traveling is one of my core desires
  • Focusing my time more clearly to be more present in my job, my business, and my family as much as possible (adult ADD is REAL y’all)
  • And of course, training for a 5K PR!

But, guys, all of this stuff is EXHAUSTING.  I’ve been so focused on helping my clients + team that I just can’t focus on training to peak for a 5K right now.  And I want to be COMMITTED and ALL IN with my business(es) + family, which means making some sacrifices elsewhere.The reason I’m still running 40+ miles per week and including speed sessions in my training is because I want to be READY for when it is time to find a race.  And I’m also being really picky on what race I want to run. I want something competitive because I NEED that in order to PR.So, it’s not that I’m NOT training for anything right now.  It’s just that I can’t FOCUS on doing all the things I am doing and try to achieve them all at once.But, I know I will get there - and if you happen to know a good, competitive 5K in any of those destinations I mentioned during those time frames, LET ME KNOW!

What are you currently training for?  Have you ever experienced times of busyness where you couldn’t focus on EVERYTHING all at once?
