I am SO excited to introduce you to one of my very best friends!  Kelli + I connected online through fitness + running, and soon after figured out that we live about an hour away from each other!  We had always been Facebook friends and always joked about how much we had in common - sometimes so much so that it was just eery.When Kelli posted about becoming a virtual assistant at the same time I was looking for one, I knew it was meant to be.  As we started working together more + more, we quickly became close friends and confided in each other about everything.  She became my “person”, and I honestly can’t imagine my life without talking to her regularly.We finally got to run a race together in October, which was SO much fun!  And now you get to become virtual friends will Kelli too!Name: Kelli TobinAge: 33Hometown: Belleville, ILOccupation:  Work At Home BadassBlog: + www.thebizrunners.comInstagram:  @myfitfinish and @thebizrunnersFacebook:  My Fit Finish + The Biz RunnersNumber of years running: 15Favorite Distance to Run: 10k or 5 mileFavorite or Most Memorable Race: My first marathon was in 2008 in Chicago and this was the last race my dad saw me run before he passed away. I can still remember him cheering me on at the halfway point and he was the first to find me at the finish. Biggest/Best Running Accomplishment:  Continuing to run and race during all seasons of life. I’ve ran 2 half marathons while pregnant with my boys, ran races to fundraise for the American Cancer Society, raced 4 weeks post partum, ran 2 marathons, 16 halfs, and a bunch in between. Being able to endure the setbacks and the victories and made me love all aspects of what running gives me.What advice can you give to someone who is just starting their running journey?  Running isn’t for everyone. If you find that after a few months or years doing it that you don’t love it or even enjoy it, don’t be afraid to move on!  I think sometimes we pressure ourselves into being 5kers or running because it might help with weight loss or because “everyone else is doing it.” Running can do so much for you mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally so find out how you best connect with it and enjoy the ride!

Want to become online running buddies with me + other runners across the globe, and have the chance to be featured on The Concrete Runner?!  Join the Badass Running Buddies Community and apply to be featured on the blog!  Runners of all ages, genders, and ability levels are welcome to be a part of our GROWING online community!