weekly workouts: recovery mode

I told myself that I needed to give myself 13 days to recover from the half marathon.  I’m really horrible at resting, as I know most runners are.  But, the last time I PRed in the half, I gave myself no recovery time and ended up with pretty bad tendonitis in my hamstring.

I’m not making the same mistake twice.  I’ve been really busy at school lately with teaching health and trying to stay caught up on everything I need to get done for the end of the school year that I just haven’t had a lot of time to run anyway.  So, forced or not, I just haven’t done a lot of running.

In addition, I have no idea exactly what I’m training for next.  And after training for the half, I’ve realized that I absolutely need to have a training plan to stick to, otherwise, I will just do 3 mile easy runs every day because those are my favorite.  So, I’m still looking for what’s next, but plan on jumping into a training plan next week!

Thankfully, CrossFit workouts are back and I’ve been loving them this week.  I’ve started waking up earlier to get my CrossFit in before work, so I can run and have a little bit more time with MacKenna when I get home.  It’s been a great way to wake up and has really helped keep my energy levels up throughout the day.

Here’s what I’ve done since the half marathon:


1 hour massage – best decision ever!


1.6 easy miles with the volleyball team


3.1 mile easy run


Rest Day


3 mile easy run on the treadmill


5.18 miles with the jogging stroller


Rest Day


3.1 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
7 rounds for time:
Deadlifts 15x, 75#
Push-ups (incline) 15x


{ CrossFit }
3 rounds, 15-12-9 reps, for time:
Thrusters, 45#
Inverted Rows


4.09 mile easy Run for Boston


{ CrossFit }
5 rounds for time:
Row 500m
Bench Press 15x, 45#


{ CrossFit }
4 rounds for time:
Run 400m
Squats 50x

Not a lot of miles, but for being in recovery mode, I did some decent workouts.  That Tuesday CrossFit workout just destroyed my legs – I’m still having trouble walking!

Oh yeah, and I’m not running River to River this weekend, unfortunately.  I really wanted to and was invited to go, but trying to figure everything out in only a week just wasn’t going to work.  Plus, I am socially awkward and have some social anxiety and figured being in a hotel room and van for 36 hours with people I’ve never met before didn’t bode well for me.  I want to run it, but I want to run it with friends.  So, if you’re interested, let me know!

And if you know of a good race (5K or 10K or some other short-ish, fun distance), let me know!  I need something to train for!

How much time do you give yourself to recover after races?  Do you train better when you follow a training plan?