weekly workouts: looking ahead

First full week of summer break and there’s definitely been an increase in stroller running and a decrease in time spent at the gym.  Oops.  I’m being a little more cautious taking her to the gym daycare (again) with her finger.  I know, they’re not broken, but since I always pick her up with a new bump on her head, I’m playing it safe this week.

So, instead, I’ve been trying to wake up early and do some CF Mamas in the living room before MacKenna wakes up.  I usually can get through a quick workout before she wakes up, but I think my early morning time to myself is numbered.  Lately, her wakeups have been between 6-6:30 AM, way earlier than it used to be.  Should make going to the gym for triathlon training interesting...


5 mile stroller run

{ CrossFit }
7 rounds:
Front Squats 7x, 20 lb dumbbells
Incline Pushups 7x


6 mile stroller run



Rest Day


1.6 mile easy run (to + from the gym)

2.1 mile stroller run (1/2 mile barefoot)

{ CrossFit }
21-15-9 reps:
Deadlifts, 65 lbs
Box Jumps, 20” box


30 minute treadmill Fartlek
(4.1 miles)

{ CrossFit }
Front Squats 50x, 20 lb dumbbells
Burpees 5x
Front Squats 40x
Burpees 4x
Front Squats 30x
Burpees 3x
Front Squats 20x
Burpees 2x
Front Squats 10x
Burpees 1x



5 mile stroller run

{ CrossFit }
7 rounds:
Front Squats 7x, 20 lb dumbbells
Situps 7x


4 mile stroller run (1/2 mile barefoot)


A few things I am looking forward to this weekend and the week ahead:

  • Checking out Courtney’s CrossFit box on Saturday – my first “real” CrossFit WOD!
  • Triathlon training starts Monday!
  • Matt’s XC running group starts Monday so I’ll have people to run with and won’t have to push the stroller everyday anymore!

I’m so thankful for summer’s off! :)

What are you looking forward to this weekend and next week?