weekly workouts: april 18-24
Oh goodness. It has been A WEEK...I played Meet Director at 2 middle school track meets we hosted this week - Tuesday and Saturday. Luckily, Tuesday got rained out because as it turns out, I have no idea what the heck I am doing. Thankfully, by Saturday, I was completely organized and things went really well. I mean, I owe A LOT to the other coaches - without them, I would've been completely overwhelmed and lost. But, it's done and over with and I can breathe a little bit again. Only 2 more weeks of track left, and only 3 more practices. Should I mention that in 10 days, we have 5 track meets? Yeah, I'm enjoying it, but I'm ready for the season to be over with. Oh, and it was a full moon last week. You can imagine just how well behaved 120 middle schoolers are after testing all day and then coming to track...So, it was not my greatest week of running, but that's OK. I still have another week off before I jump back in to training at the beginning of May. Every run was much needed though, thanks to everything the week had in store. (Believe me, there was much more drama involved in those 2 track meets than I'm leading on to...) It was a great reminder of exactly why I run. I need running for my mental health. I am able to process my thoughts better. I am able to be completely emotional when I need to. I am able to build up my confidence in order to really tackle everything I need to get done - and stop myself from talking me out of things I'm scared to do. It's my stress relief, confidence booster, and therapist. I just gotta have it!Monday: 3 mile AM easy run + 1 mile PM easy run (8:15/mile, 7:50/mile)
Tuesday: 10 x 200m w/ 200m recovery (3.51 miles @ 8:05/mile)
Wednesday: Skechers Fun Run with True Runner (4.62 miles @ 8:29/mile)
Thursday: OFFFriday: 30 minute tempo run - 10 minute warmup, 10 minute @ 7:00-7:21, 10 minute cool down (3.82 miles @ 7:51)
Saturday: OFF - but I certainly got my steps in!
Sunday: 60 minute long run (7.30 miles @ 8:13/mile)
Total: 23.25 miles I'm praying for a much less eventful week this week. It's still going to be busy week (Matt has meets Monday + Tuesday, I have meets Wednesday + Thursday, and then I am working a meet on Friday...), but thankfully, not nearly as crazy as last week. Hope everyone else's week is flawless and uneventful!