week of milestones

6 weeks and we’ve hit some new milestones…

MacKenna Week 6

MacKenna celebrated her first major holiday with Thanksgiving last week.  I’m pretty sure she was thankful for being held all day long by various family members and the car rides we took, meaning, she got lots of naps in!






Her other big milestone this week:  smiling + laughing!  It makes my heart do a little dance every time I get a big ol’ toothless grin from my little girl.  Oh, I just love her little face so much!


She is also starting to babble a little bit too.  She says “ah-ooh” and “goo” and will actually have an “ah-ooh” conversation with us!  We were in church Wednesday night and MacKenna + I “ah-ooh”-ed back and forth a few times, leaving me in tears from laughing!  Matt actually video taped her “ah-ooh”-ing with him.  So cute!


Two weeks ago, we had really gotten a good routine going, making my life a million times easier.  Having a baby on a schedule helps me get things done and makes for a much happier baby!  Of course, throw in last week and our schedule was thrown out the window.  So, this week, I am really working on establishing a good routine with MacKenna so we are both happy girls (which makes Daddy a happy man).  I’m considering going to buy the Babywise book (eat, play, sleep routine), but Madeline sent me this great loose routine of sorts based on your baby’s natural sleep patterns.  It looks wonderful and I’m excited to start moving our routine in that direction – and hopefully she’ll start getting closer to sleeping through the night!


Matt + I have really grown attached to this little girl.  We’re starting to forget what it was like before we had her and now can’t imagine not having her!  She brings us so much joy and happiness!  I mean, how could you not love her little face?!              

