return to running: week 2

Last week, I was only running half a mile at a day.  This week, we really bumped it up to running 1 and a half miles each day.  And let me tell you, my legs could definitely feel the difference.  Well, that, and I desperately need new shoes!


The longer running intervals had my lungs burning, which is one of my absolute favorite feelings in the world.  I don’t know why, but that feeling makes me feel like a runner.  It takes me back to running the mile in grade school.  You give it everything you’ve got, running as fast as you can and finish completely winded, lunges burning, and calves aching for days, but you are so amazed at what you accomplished (or at least I was).  I think that’s why I love running 5K’s – that feeling of speed is something I crave.  Luckily, my pace is slowly getting faster (oxymoron anyone?) and I can definitely see a speedy 5K in my future.

Monday: 10:44/mile @ my mom + dad’s

MacKenna + I went over to my parent’s house last Monday to bake some Christmas cookies with my mom.  Knowing I’d be there all day and it would be dark when I got home, I took advantage of the free babysitting of my mom and went out for my run.  I think the last time I ran from their house was my wedding day!  (Heck yes I ran on my wedding day – 6 miles to be exact!)  There is a hill on the way back right before the top of their neighborhood.  It’s probably not even close to some of the hills I run by my house, but just like it used to kill me 4 years ago when I lived there, it killed me again on this run.  I desperately need some new hills in my life…

Tuesday:  unplanned rest day

Matt has his cross country banquet and wasn’t going to come home ahead of time, so I didn’t have the opportunity to go running.  It’s still difficult living life by other people’s schedules, something I’m definitely not used to.  I think that’s the only thing I am looking forward to with going back to work, which I am still trying not to think about…

Wednesday:  10:16/mile pace

Fastest run of the week!  I actually saw a 7:00/mile on this run!  Maybe I do have some speed in there somewhere!

Thursday:  10:29/mile pace

I got my “turkey trot” in for the day!  Haven’t missed running on Thanksgiving in several years!  One of my favorite days of the year to run since I feel like it offsets a little of the tons of food I eat!

Friday:  10:47/mile pace

Slowest run of the week, but I’ll take anything under 11-minute miles now!

Saturday:  10:33/mile pace

I was in a hurry and surprised this wasn’t faster, but I guess 4 days in a row of running slows you down a bit.  Another thing I’m adjusting to:  the added time it takes to get everything I need to do done!  I hate being late and I feel like I’m going to be perpetually late to everything now.  Poor planning on my part!

Sunday:  rest day!

Total miles:  11.25 miles (7.5 miles running + 3.75 miles walking)

Man, 5 more miles of running this week compared to last week, but I didn’t feel it too much.  I go back to the doctor on Thursday, so I’m hoping I can add in some strength training starting next week!  I might start doing some body weight exercises this week just to get back into the swing of things, but hold off on abdominal exercises until I officially get the all clear.

This week calls for 2 full miles with NO WALKING!  I’m looking forward to it, but scared that I won’t be able to go the full time without walking.  It’ll be nice to see my “real” pace though!
