unexpected frozen custard day

In honor of National Frozen Custard Day [thanks, Andy's, for letting us know that this day actually exists], we decided to take a mini road trip out to Oakville for Custard's First Stand. The Hubs has been dying to go here, just for the name of the place. Oakville is not exactly close to our house, so we were pretty surprised to find what we had driven 45 minutes for. Not exactly what we had expected...

We actually passed it up the first time we drove by because it is so small! [Matt actually described it as smaller than our kitchen, which is pretty small, considering we live in a 980-square-foot house.] We first walked up to the window and realized that we actually would have to go through the drive-through to be served! So different than what we are used to!

As the place is pretty small, the menu was also pretty small, as expected. Matt decided on a turtle [playing it safe] while I decided on a mint chip concrete.

My first reaction: "Wow, this is so creamy!" Probably one of the creamier vanilla custards we have had so far. But, I was a little disappointed in the vanilla flavor. [If Lyon's and Custard's First Stand had a baby together, it would be in the top 3.] Custard's First Stand is also the soft serve machine, which we think makes the custard a little creamier since it is constantly being whipped in the machine.

Isn't Matt's turtle beautiful! Probably some of the best "plating" at a frozen custard place I have ever seen.

Overall, I was pretty darn impressed. Not my favorite, but I think the drive was worth it afterall, thank goodness!
