a doozie at doozle's [in a good way]

As a little celebration to the end of our summer, we decided to stop at Doozle's Frozen Custard last night. [Not that I ever actually need a reason to get frozen custard...] We have been to Doozle's maybe only a handful of times... not my favorite, but it definitely doesn't disappoint. In fact, I am always surprised just how much I like their custard when we get it. However, although I enjoy Doozle's, it is definitely not the "hopping" custard stand like pretty much every other one in the area.

After taking a few minutes to check out the menu, I decided on the S'mores [little know fact, I loooove s'mores... even though marshmallows aren't exactly vegetarian friendly]. Their version of a s'mores was in sundae form with vanilla custard + "melted chocolate" [which I figured is either hot fudge or hard shell, I wasn't quite sure] + marshmallow creme + sugar cone pieces. I of course asked nicely for them to put in the proper concrete form for me. Matt decided on the Muddy Sneakers -- vanilla custard + chocolate covered peanuts + caramel -- of course, in his usual sundae form. [I don't understand why he can't get on the "concrete" bandwagon... this is the Concrete Runner, afterall ;o)]

The marshmallow made the custard so very creamy -- very similar to Silky's, but definitely not as vanilla-y in taste. And although I am against nuts in my custard, the chocolate covered peanuts were pretty darn good in Matt's sundae. I might actually try that next time, although I think chocolate covered raisins would be much better!

Like most places we have visited, the custard was nice + creamy, but missed on the flavor. I really love a good vanilla-y taste... like fresh vanilla beans in my custard. But, unfortunately, Doozle's was lacking in that department. But, creamy they did have, which made the experience enjoyable. Oh, and, like we were told by a neighbor last week at Lyons', Doozle's custard does not melt... seriously, my concrete stayed pretty much frozen the entire time I was eating it. It was awesome! They also have a ton of variety, from concretes + sundaes, to drumsticks + sandwiches, to even hard ice cream in cups and cones. Whatever you want, you can pretty much get at Doozle's.

But, Andy's lives on another day at the top of my list...

Since the Hubs + I are both going to be in full swing school + coaching mode, our frozen custard trips might become a little less frequent. However, we still have a LOT of places to go to, and we will continue to try to go to a new place once a week.

Between those times, I plan on blogging a little bit more about my training for the Chicago marathon. It is quickly approaching and I am in the intense part of my training now, so it will be nice for me to be able to share that with ya'll. Hopefully you will find some of those posts informative + interesting. Or, you can just skip those and stick to the frozen custard posts! ;o)
