running fuel

My whole intention of this blog was to share not only our explorations in the world of frozen custard, but also my training for the Chicago Marathon. So far, I think I've maybe mentioned running maybe once or twice. But, since the Hubs + I are working again and have gotten uber busy, less custard is being consumed. So, I figured in order to get your + my blogging fix, I would start writing more about my training. Starting now...

I am now in the major mileage point in my training. Today was my scheduled 18 miler run. Last week, I ran 17 miles, and it was probably my best long run yet. Not so much today.

I got up early in order to start properly fueling for the run before I headed out to the park.

An English muffin with peanut butter + jelly on one slice, and peanut butter + honey on the other side.

I have been running at what I know as Fiber Park, but is really the City Centre Park. St. Peters has awesome trails to run on that go from one park to the other. It's fantastic, with drinking fountains and bathrooms along the way. The route I take goes from Fiber Park to Laurel Park, which is about 8 miles round trip.

This is also where the Fleet Feet Runners Club meets, so their routes are clearly marked from one park to the other... with mile markers too!

It is also where they run the RecPlex Triathlon, but their route is [I think] only a 5K.

After I finished my first 8 miles, I stopped back at my car for some fuel! Dates + Gatorade.
Dates are great for long distance running because the glucose is quickly converted in glycogen and delivered to the muscles. I am hoping I will be able to eat these during the actual race.

I went out and did 2 more miles before my running partner Lauren came! She is doing the Lewis + Clark Marathon on Oct. 3, but was only planning on running 8 miles with me today since she is also uber busy with work starting up again. [Yes, the majority of my friends are teachers!]

About a mile into the run with Lauren, I twisted my ankle pretty bad. I forget when I'm tired that my feet just don't pick up like they should, and stepped on a gumball. It was pretty bad, but I walked for a minute and it felt fine. Dodged a bullet there!

We finished the run in 2 hours 30 minutes, an 8:20/mile pace! I am so pumped with my paces lately! To reach my time goal, I need to run 8:45/mile, but have definitely been running faster than that! 3:50 is my goal finishing time, but a 3:40 would qualify me for the Boston Marathon, which would be awesome [not that I'd actually ever run it, but it would still be cool to qualify]!

I went home and had this amazing smoothie after my run. OK, yes, it looks and will sound disgusting, but I was pretty pleased at how great it tasted.

Chocolate Green Monster Smoothie

2 cups spinach
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup milk
2 cups strawberries1 packet Amazing Grass Chocolate Infusion

Blend spinach with yogurt + milk. Add remaining ingredients.

I added some crunch with some homemade coconut almond granola.

I promise you can't taste the spinach! If you're too scared to try it, put a banana in there. It totally covers up the spinach taste. And BLEND WELL! You don't want chunks of spinach floating around in there. Totally hit the spot after a long, sweaty run!

I am super tired + sore now, but we are planning on going out to the Festival of the Little Hills for some crafts and custard!
