triathlon training: week 8

So, yeah… It was another crazy, stressful week.  Last week was my volleyball camp, and between that and working on the house, I was crazy busy.  But, volleyball camp was an absolute blast!  I LOVED seeing how much my little ones (5th through 8th grades) improved as the week went on, and my high schoolers, well, let’s just say it’s going to be an awesome season!  I have some extremely talented girls and I’m so excited to coach them this year.  I am determined to bring them a championship (conference, district, state… something!), which is something they haven’t had really in school history.  I have the talent to do it, so I’m really just hoping I can coach them to actually accomplish it.

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Seriously.  Love them!  Best. Job. Ever.

Friday and Sunday were spent basically just painting.  And painting.  And painting.  We painted pretty much our entire house in a span of a week.  OK, that’s not entirely true – we are hiring someone to paint our living room, kitchen, and hallway because it took us FOREVER to do it the first time that we absolutely did not want to do it again ourselves.  And it needs to be painted because we only did one coat that first time and it’s not exactly good enough to catch a potential buyers attention.  But, other than that, I successfully painted  both of our bathrooms, the master bedroom, and all of the trim outside (Matt helped with that one).  We are FINALLY seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  We have handful of things left to do, but they are all fairly manageable.  Will we make our August 1 deadline?  No, probably not, but we won’t be too much behind it.  I’m beginning to stress more about how we are going to keep our house clean for showings when we are both going to be back to work and coaching.  Maybe not being home so much will help keep it a bit cleaner though.

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Matt after we finished painting Sunday night.

As for workouts, they went pretty well last week.  I followed my plan exactly until the end of the week when things just got a little thrown off due to house and coaching stuff.  I actually got 2 days of CrossFit in, as well as a ride outside on the bike.  I was planning on doing my 60 minute ride outside too, but when I biked to the gym to swim, the gears were clicking really bad and I knew I would never last an hour with that.  So, I scrapped that idea and ended up doing it on the spin bike instead.  Definitely not ideal since I’ve only done 1 ride outside and my triathlon is in less than 2 weeks.

2013 Sprint Triathlon Training Plan


5 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
CF Warmup
Thrusters (find 3 rep max) = 85 lbs
Box Jumps 20x, 18-inch box

21-15-9 reps:
Thrusters, 45 lbs
Toes to Bar


9 mile bike (outside)

2 mile easy run

photo 2


7.25 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
CF Warmup
Hang Cleans 25x, 65 lbs

3 rounds:
Run 200m
Shoulder Press 21x, 30 lbs


600-meter swim
(15 minutes)

5 mile easy run


900-meter swim
(30 minutes)


Rest Day


60 minute ride on the spinning bike
(~15 miles)


Pretty good week, considering I got in all the required workouts, even though I missed my swim-bike brick.  Oh well.  Still got the time in, right?

I’m excited about training this week.  Since my (mom’s) bike crapped out on me, one of my friends is going to let me use her road bike for the tri!  I’ve actually tried riding her bike before (pre-MacKenna) and was too scared to go anywhere on it (I also didn’t have a helmet).  I told her I needed to practice on it before the race, so we are going out for a ride together Wednesday evening (she is going to ride her mountain bike, so she will actually probably be going my speed).  We are also doing 6 of our 10 miles out on the road, which I’ve NEVER done before.  I’m so incredibly nervous, but excited too!  I definitely need some work on the bike, especially a bike I’m not used to.

I’ve been checking out Craigslist for used road bikes, but I don’t know exactly how much is reasonable for a used bike – or how much we really want to spend, IF we decide we (Matt and myself) want to continue doing triathlons.  My ride outside wasn’t as unbearable as I thought it was going to be – it actually went by really fast (despite how slow I actually rode) – so it’s something to consider.  I guess I’ll make my final decision after the tri next weekend.  OMG.  Can’t believe it’s going to be here so soon!

Triathlete Friends:  How did you decide on a bike to purchase?  What would be a reasonable price for a used bike?