wiaw: stress eating
Happy Wednesday! Can’t believe it’s Wednesday already. Can we just go back to 8 weeks ago when summer was just getting started? I don’t wanna go back to work! (She said in her whiniest baby voice.) Matt goes back tomorrow (boo) and I leave my sweet little girl on Monday (double boo). Please make time stop for a minute. Pretty please?!
OK, I’m done whining (maybe). But, seriously? Where did this summer go? This summer started off really well – my eating was right on track, I was getting all my workouts in, and I wasn’t nearly as stressed. Throw in a few vacations, fixing up our house to sell, and getting ready to go back to work and let’s just say, my eating has really gone down hill.
I have a little problem. It’s called sugar. And it is literally. All. I. Crave. I want it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don’t know if it’s because of training, stress, or a combination of the two. My hunger has been off the charts as well and I don’t feel like I’m really doing much more than I normally would. I’m frustrated but I am also trying not to deprive myself or beat myself up about it. I feel a “detox” coming on soon…

But, regardless, I’m still eating pretty well. Always starting my day with a smoothie helps me get a fresh start every day.
Banana, peach, and pineapple green smoothie.
Along the lines of ravenous, I am starving again by around 10:30, so snack time it is! I had some fruit, yogurt, and granola which went down so quickly I didn’t get a chance to take a picture. Can’t go wrong with that combo.
Because of Breakfast #2, my lunch is usually later in the afternoon. I’ve been eating pretty much the same salad every day all summer. Romaine, tomatoes, broccoli, avocado, cheddar, sunflower seeds, hummus, and creamy balsamic dressing. And some new puffy Goldfish crackers on the side. Oh, and there was a small bag of freeze dried apples as a pre-lunch while I was feeding MacKenna.
And this is when everything goes down hill. Licked the bowl to the poke cake I was making (um, if chocolate cake mix and Greek yogurt isn’t a thing, it needs to be!)…
…followed up with a bowl of trailmix that I ate in the car on my way to volleyball.
OK, so maybe that’s not so bad. Having volleyball in the evening really screws me up though. I had a delicious tasting plate when I got home…
…followed up with 2 Reese’s eggs and a bowl of (homemade) S’mores ice cream with caramel.
Definitely not terrible but it’s also not nearly as good as I was doing earlier in the summer. But, I guess I need to keep in mind that my training has increased A LOT since then and really, stress is kicking my butt. Funny to think that work might actually be less stressful. Yeah right…
Planning on starting a little “30 day challenge” next week similar to the one I did at the beginning of the summer. Hopefully once we are done with the house and it’s on the market, some of that stress will be gone and I can actually cut back on some sugar.
Do you stress eat or crave a certain food when stressed? Who wants to join me on a 30 day “detox” challenge?