triathlon training: week 7

We are currently in the car on the way home from our last trip of the summer.  We spent another long weekend in Branson, and after the stressful couple of weeks we’ve had, we really needed a few days to just sit back and relax.  We were able to spend some time together as a family, shop, play in Silver Dollar City, and I was actually able to get some work work done (hate that I had to work on vacation, but I didn’t really have a choice with volleyball camp this week).  It was wonderful not to have to think about what we needed to be doing on the house, and a great “Last Hoorah” before we both go back to work in less than 2 weeks (boo).

IMG_4155  Riding the Ducks in Branson.

But, albeit being a shorter trip, my training definitely was lacking this week.  I worked around the days I was at home to get some swimming and biking in, but I am desperately missing some strength in my routine.  You’d think I would have more time in the summer to get some CrossFit workouts in, but I am really good at coming up with excuses as to why I can’t fit it into my schedule.  Yes, we’ve been busy, but my excuses are way lamer than “just busy”.  I need to get better about that, but I also think taking a break from lifting was something I needed as it was starting to seem like more of a chore than something I actually enjoyed doing.

With that, I’m so ready to hit the gym this coming week and am even planning on starting to wake up a little earlier just fit it in.  Hopefully that will not only get my butt to the gym in the mornings, but start preparing me for my butt-crack-of-dawn wakeup calls that will be happening soon.  Ugh.  I will seriously be missing the summer when it comes to an end.

OK, on to the workouts:

2013 Sprint Triathlon Training Plan


30 minute swim
(1100 meters)

6 mile easy run


30 minute swim
(1000 meters)

3 mile easy run with the jogging stroller
(26:28 – about my worst run in a long time.  It seriously was painful.)


30 minutes on the spinning bike
(~8 miles)


4 mile easy run



4.4 mile easy run


4 mile easy run



Rest Day


Have I mentioned before that I HATE long runs?  Instead of doing 2 longer runs in Branson, I split them up to 3 shorter runs so I was still getting the mileage in and not spending too much time running while on vacation.  Probably not ideal, but I’m only training for a 5K right now, so I’m not too concerned.  It worked.

OK, who’s ready to kill this week with me?!  I am dedicated to get 3 days of lifting in this week, even though I will be busy working on the house and conducting volleyball camp.  Let’s DO THIS!