What's your TRUE currency?

The best way I can think to start my day is with a workout and listening to a podcast. I absolutely LOVE to learn, but in the morning, the last thing I want to do is read a book. That does NOT wake me up. However, I can still get the benefit of personal + professional development with a podcast. So, I always have a podcast or some sort of training in my ear during my workout every morning. My husband thinks I’m crazy, but hey, to each their own…This past week, I was listening to a podcast by Ed Mylett. He has Jenna Kutcher on as his guest. If you don’t know Jenna Kutcher, she is a self-made millionaire who started in the corporate world, realized it wasn’t for her, took up photography, and now runs a multi-million dollar social media empire. I will admit that it has taken me a LONG time to really like her, but I think I was waiting for the right message from her to really connect.Well, apparently, this podcast was what I needed to hear because what she said hit me like a ton of bricks…What’s your currency?As a business owner + business mentor, I hear all the time about how people are trying to hit a certain amount of income. We hear people who had a 5-figure launch, or had their first 6-figure year, or built a million dollar business in 5-years or less.While I AM in business as a way to make money, MONEY is NOT the currency I am after.Nor is it the currency I want the people I mentor to be after.Last month I had one of my best month’s in my network marketing business. Actually, it was my best month EVER. My team hit record numbers and had massive momentum all month long. At the end of the month, I had a decision to make - to spend my day hustling to hit numbers and hit the next rank in my business OR to spend my day with my family and work my business just like any other day.I have really been avoiding opening up about this because I know the decision I made was not one that everyone agreed with - and I know I ended up hurting some people in the long run. I lost friends. I lost colleagues. I essentially lost an entire community that I loved. But, overall, I had to remember WHY I was doing what I was doing.Hitting my rank would have given me a significant bonus and basically a giant increase in my pay. I have been working HARD toward this goal for over a year now. This was the closest I had ever been to hitting this rank and I knew the significance and what it meant for my family.But, at what cost?I had a “come to Jesus” moment where I had to ask myself what I would be sacrificing to hit my goal and what was more important…MY INCOMEORMY TIMEI got into this business to get my time BACK. I had already sacrificed so much of my time to be home with my family, and I wasn’t willing to sacrifice what I had worked so hard to achieve.Ultimately, my currency or the income that I am working toward is not in the form of DOLLARS… It’s in the form of MINUTES + HOURS.As one of my mentors said this week, there is a difference between striving and surrendering. Sometimes we feel the need to hustle day in and day out - so much so that we lose sight of the real reason, the real WHY behind what we are doing. Yes, I probably could’ve spent my entire day (or days) hustling to hit my goal and I probably would’ve hit it. BUT… I knew that hitting that goal wasn’t going to satisfy me and it wasn’t something I would be proud of because it cost me my TIME with the people who are the most important to me.It is absolutely OK to work your business, to work HARD and to do it well. BUT, I want you to remember the WHY behind what you are doing.What is the currency YOU are after?

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