Gain MORE TIME in your day

It’s officially back-to-school time. Both of my kids are back in school and while it feels SO nice to be back in somewhat of a routine, I have to admit, it gets pretty quiet and lonely at home by myself.However, I THRIVE on structure + routine, and let’s face it… the summer provides a little TOO MUCH flexibility for me. I want to know what is happening each and everyday because I know that if I have the structure + routine, I can be on my A game and be the most productive.Wanna know how to make the most of YOUR time on a daily basis?You NEED to create a daily schedule.I know, I know. Some of you are like, “NO WAY am I doing that! You are CRAZY!” But, hear me out…>> What if you woke up at a consistent time and knew exactly what you were going to do as soon as you woke up?>> What if you got to the end of the day and got everything done that you NEEDED to get done, instead of feeling defeated at the end of the day?>> What if you actually felt BORED or that you had TOO MUCH time on your hands at the end of the day?Guess what? All that is 100% possible with a daily schedule.There are 3 different things that NEED to be included on your daily schedule…1. Recurring events2. Non-recurring events3. Flex timeAnd yes, we are SCHEDULING in your flexibility! But, first we need to start in order by adding anything into your calendar that is a recurring activity that happens either daily or weekly. For example, when you take your kids to school, soccer practices, even lunch + dinner times. These are all things that happen on a regular basis so they need to go into your calendar FIRST.Now that you have your regular things added in, you’re going to look at this week or month and add in anything that happens only ONE TIME. This could be things like doctor’s appointments, lunch out with friends, and other meetings. I choose to pencil them into my monthly calendar as soon as I can, but they go down on my daily + weekly calendars as well.Last, but certainly not least, make sure you have some FLEX TIME in your day. Yes, I LOVE to know when things are going to happen, but let’s be real… as moms, things come up, a kid gets sick, our husband forgets his lunch, etc. We NEED to be flexible throughout our day. So, be sure to keep some WHITE SPACE in your calendar as well.Remember, if TIME is your currency, you need to make the most of it - and I bet you’ll be surprised to find that you have more TIME on your hands than you know what to do it once you have a great routine and schedule established!

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