this + that

So, you know when you feel like you have so much to say but just don't know how to get the words down on paper?  Yeah.  I have been having major writer's block lately.  By the end of the week, I'm usually just so exhausted that I don't even know what to write about or even really feel like writing.  My brain just turns to crap on Thursday nights.  Blech.I do have some really fun things coming up in the next few weeks though, including a new St. Louis-based partnership that I'm pumped about as well as some cool new running gear that I'm still testing out!  I promise to share that stuff with you soon though.  Until then, here's a little this + that...1.  Thank you so much for all the toddler eating advice!  Wednesday night was not a normal dinner for us (more on that in a second), so we really got to try some new habits with Kenna last night.  It was pizza night, so she was given a slice of pizza and some blueberries.  She asked me to cut her pizza for her, which I happily did.  She ate a few bites and then asked for "cake" (chocolate yogurt with sprinkles), but we insisted she eat more of her pizza.  She ended up eating half of her pizza and all of her blueberries and stopped asking for cake.  She talked about M&Ms while I gave her a bath, but I convinced her I would give her some time playing on Gigi's iPad.  She didn't ask for another bite.  So far, so good.2. I finally got to eat at a food truck!  OK, so not technically my first time eating out of a food truck, but vacation doesn't count.  Remember back when I was pregnant with MacKenna, we went to the first ever Food Truck Friday, only to find everything to be sold out within the first hour?  Depressing, especially for someone who was pregnant at the time.  Well, my church hosted a food truck night on Wednesday night, so we knew we couldn't pass it up.  Roughly 30 minutes in line for our food (thankfully there was a playground to keep Kenna occupied), but it was worth it.  I got the Bruschetta Melt from The Cheese Shack which was absolutely delicious (tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, and balsamic drizzle).  Matt and I also split a s'mores brownie and gooey butter cake from Sarah's Cake Stop, which were both delicious as well.  Another food truck night is on my summer bucket list (I'll share that soon too).IMG_6258IMG_62593.  It's "farmer's tan" time.  I love my job, especially since it's one of the jobs that I can spend time outside during nice days.  It's been in the mid-80s and sunny all week long, which means I'm sporting some beautiful new sock lines on my legs.  While I don't particularly enjoy my sock lines, I'm loving how tan my legs are looking!  I do probably need to get better about using sunscreen other than on my face.4.  Today is our pre-construction meeting with our builder!  Woohoo to a 2 to 3 hour meeting talking about our house!  I was warned that it is boring, but I don't care - I just want to get this show on the road!  We've picked out everything (except I need about 50 more light fixtures, but that'll be a work in progress) so I'm more than ready to finally break ground, which should happen by the end of the month!  I will share of course be sharing as much as I can as we go, but I also want to retain our privacy as much as possible too.  I'm just happy to have a reason to go by the lot now - an empty lot isn't too exciting to drive by right now.5.  Speaking of the end of the month, there are only 15 school days left.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Oh, and this week (May 5) marked 7 YEARS since I graduated COLLEGE.  Dude, when did I get so old?!  Ugh.

TBTMy grandpa and me at my college graduation from Truman State University.