(almost) wordless mother's day weekend

Happy belated Mother's Day to all my fellow mamas!  This mama had an absolutely fabulous weekend spent almost exclusively with my little girl.  Thanks to her (and my amazing husband) I get to celebrate this holiday every year now, so what better way than to spend it with her.  I'll spare you all the details of the weekend (there's not much to share anyway), but I'll give you the gist of the weekend through the pictures I took.  (I took a mini-photography class last week, so I wanted to practice my photography this weekend - and it's been awhile since I got out my big girl camera.)P1230002 P1230159 P1230226IMG_6270 P1230441 P1230497 P1230529 P1230547 P1230579 P1230588 P1230626 P1230691 P1230700 IMG_6283P1230278I mean how can you not have a fabulous Mother's Day when you have that cute face to hang out with every day?!(PS - Be sure to stop by my actual website.  I did some major updating this weekend, including several of my pages up at the top that I hadn't touched in almost 3 years!)