the significance of this weekend

I know I don’t usually post on the weekend, but since I know there are a lot of people on Baby Watch this weekend since my due date is tomorrow, I figured I throw something up today.Which means, yes… I’m still here.I really had my hopes up last night.  I had some cramping all day yesterday, and after going out to dinner for my mom’s birthday, I promptly went to bed (well, I stayed up to watch the Cardinals game, of course) with a pretty bad upset stomach.  I’m not sure if it was baby-related, food-related, or nervousness from watching the Cardinals game, but I was just sure I was going to wake up at 3 AM with contractions.Well, I woke up at 3 AM, but only to relieve my bladder.  So, yes.  I’m still here, anxiously awaiting Baby M’s arrival also.I did, however, get in a wonderful run this morning in an attempt to get this process moving along a little faster.  This morning was a reminder to why I start running before 8 AM – so many people + cars out and I got quite a few dirty looks running with the 30 pound bowling ball strapped to my belly.  Otherwise, it was a wonderful 5K run!  And hopefully my last before I have a baby!100_4924This weekend has a lot of significance for me.  It has been a “big” weekend for me for the past 2 years regarding running.  Two years ago, I toed the line of the O’Fallon Fall Fest 5K.  I was in the best shape of my life since I had been training with a high school cross country team.  I was determined  to break 20 minutes in the 5K (my previous PR was 20:53 in the race 2 years prior to that).  Not only did I end up finishing with a time of 19:58, but I also won the race!  That was by far one of the proudest moments of my life.  I will never forget the feelings of overwhelming joy + sheer exhaustion I felt after that race.100_4927Last year, I was here:IMG_0946The Chicago Marathon.  Another extremely proud moment in my life, although it is probably the worst race I’ve ever run.  I started off way too fast and by mile 18, I was completely drained.  However, I did PR with a time of 3:51 (my previous marathon was 4:00:16), even though I was really hoping to Boston Qualify with Chicago.  I WILL run Chicago again!IMG_1200This year, I’m still running, albeit much, much slower.  Two years ago, I would’ve cried had I ever run a 37 minute 5K.  However, now I am thankful to still be able to actually tie my running shoes and go for a 3-mile run/walk at 39 weeks + 6 days pregnant, despite the dirty looks I might get from strangers.IMGP1783Tomorrow is my due date.  I can’t believe it is actually here – finally!  I have no idea when I will go into labor, but I am hoping that tomorrow morning, I am watching the start of the 2011 Chicago Marathon from a hospital room.


I probably will not post anything until Monday morning, but follow me on Twitter and I will hopefully have a baby update for you either way (baby or no baby).  Friends + family will receive a text or email, so I will keep you posted that way since I know most of you don’t do Twitter. 
