baby bump: week 39

OK, it’s official.  I’m so ready to be done with the waiting game.  My belly button finally popped, the baby’s dropped, the house is clean, the nursery is done, her clothes + diapers are washed, my bags are packed… let’s get this show on the road! 

(I’m secretly hoping that since I write these posts the night before and schedule them to publish early in the morning, that I actually went into labor last night and am at the hospital right now.  Wishful thinking?  Probably.  But, a girl can dream right?  If you follow me on Twitter, I’m sure you will know whether or not I had a baby last night.  Again, probably not.)

I think everyone is officially on Baby Watch now.  If I’m late for work, my friends assume I’m in labor.  If I’m late to make a phone call at a “usual” time because I’m coaching a soccer game, my mom assumes I forgot to tell her I went into labor and am at the hospital.  I get asked several times a day, “You’re still here?” or “Why aren’t you at the hospital?” or “What if you have the baby in the middle of the soccer game?”  (Can you tell which one the adults ask and which ones my students ask?)  Yes, I’m still here.  No, I don’t need to go to the hospital yet.  And I am positive I won’t be having the baby in the middle of the soccer game.  I promise, everyone will know when we go to the hospital or have the baby.  I definitely won’t be keeping that a secret since I can’t freaking wait!

I just can’t believe that by this time next week, we will probably have a baby!  We are going to be parents in a week, give or take a few days!  We are going to be solely responsible for another human being for the next 20 or so years!  That’s probably the scariest thought of all.  But, I cannot WAIT!  And it’s definitely reassuring to have a 5th grader tell you that your baby is going to have an awesome mom!  Best. Compliment. Ever!


This might just be the last of the Baby Bump pictures.  All 6-ish pounds of my little girl inside of me (hopefully) one last time. 

Right now, we play the waiting game.  Yes, I will miss pregnancy, but I am looking forward to the journey ahead.  Come soon, Baby Girl!  Mama’s ready to snuggle with you and kiss your little face!

Stay tuned for an extra post in the next day or so of our finished nursery!  Just waiting to get some stuff hung on the walls…
